Idea for Sequel (Spoilers)

Ok so dont read on incase you don't wanna know the ending.

This is just my vision I had for a sequel, after watching the film.

I think a sequel could easily happen, if they ever decided to do one for the fans. First of all, I don't think it would work without Shannon Elizabeth coming back as Angela. She was awesome and I think she did a kick ass job for the scenes she had. Angela should have a much bigger role. She is the queen of demons now. How it would start is after maddie escapes the house, I was thinking that maybe the two sound guys go inside and find the bodies. They end up fooling around and someone gets cut by something, and his blood just so happens to splash inside Angela's skeleton's mouth., afterall they needed human flesh/blood to feed. She is revived after they leave. But she's the only demon alive now and can't leave until 6 more souls enter the house. Fast forward 2 years later, Halloween Night. Maddie is still sort of grieving over her friends' deaths and in doing so, she has found herself a new job. Demon Hunting. Now skip to Colin's russian drug dealers. Why? They are convinced Colin booked town a year ago, and he isn't quit over his unpaid debt. It's alot of money. So with no Colin to kill, they want Maddie. Maddie happens to pay a visit to the brousarrd mansion, and sees a bunch of kids heading into the abandoned building. Worried so, she follows to see how many-- it's six. Shes relieved (because she is unaware of Angela being alive)... until moments later- Angela leads out a pack of fresh demons. Maddie books it so Angela dosn't see her.
Angela and her minions reak major hell on the city of New Oreleans at this point. She even grabs herself a new, bad ass/sexy Halloween costume. Her plan is to take the city over and posess everyone into demons and eventually spread her evil influence throughout the world. Colin even comes back and looks for Maddie too.
Maddie heads to a nightclub to grab her younger brother so they can hurry and leave town... until she notices Colin's drug dealer and the blonde bitch with the gun are there and looking for her. If things couldn't get any worse, Angela arrives and starts doing her little dances on stage and sort of glamouring everyone into a trance. Demons then attack everyone and more and more produce.
Maddie and her brother escape with the drug dealers. Maddie figures that killing Angela is the way to stop all of the demons. She is the queen B afterall.
After battling through a New Orleans full of Demons, Maddie kills Angela and her soul/body return to Broussarrd Mansion- unbeknownst to Maddie though of course, so a third one could be set up (just incase)

Anyways, that's just a little rough-outline I did for it. If a sequel were to get made, what would you wanna see?


That would be an awsome plot for the Remake!! ;) you should submitted to Jace Anderson so she could work with ur plot n her script!


Lol thank you! I highly doubt she would use it/listen though.


i have her and adam as a friend on facebook, and they're both very nice. you should submit this as an idea to them on there in a message. i bet they'd at least listen to your idea!


Ive got Adam as a friend on FB as well, and I just added Jace. I'll def. send it her way when she accepts my request. thank you for liking it :)


To do a sequel to this properly what they need to do is develop a good story. The remake is enjoyable, and I'll be buying it on Tuesday on Blu-Ray. However I felt they could have spent a little bit more time and effort developing the script, and back story for the film. It also felt like at times they were holding back, and could have gone further with some stuff. Sure the old saying is "sometimes less is more", however in certain situations, sometimes more is more.

Obviously a starting point would be to loosely base it off of the original Night of the Demons 2. Then make alterations to it to a) serve as a sequel to the remake, and b) work as a modern day horror film. So obviously a lot would change, but some carry over would be nice. It would be cool to have Shannon Elizabeth back again as Angela, however I strongly believe if the character returns the role will be recast for one of two reasons. Reason 1, Shannon turns it down and just doesn't want to return. Reason 2, they recast the role with an actress who is willing to take a smaller pay check then Shannon Elizabeth.

Truth be told this is a remake and is it's own animal so realistically the character of Angela doesn't actually need to be in the sequel. A new chick could become possessed and be the new queen of the demons for the sequel. Mainly what the sequel really needs is a stronger story, a larger cast, and amp up the violence, blood, gore, sex, and nudity.


Interesting point/idea, but in my opinion... Angela is to Night of the Demons as Freddy is to A Nightmare on Elm Street.
I just don't want to see any more Night of the Demons films without her in it. Even if this is a remake.


I completely agree that Angela should be in the sequel even if they have to recast the role. However if for whatever reason they cut the character, as long as the film is good, then I could live with it.

I doubt there will be any carry over from the first film, meaning I don't think they'll be touching up on Monica Keena's character Maddie. I wouldn't mind them using Angela's sister Melissa from Night of the Demons 2. Of course the character would probably go through a transformation and be the character in name only but hey that's the way things are these days. Actually you know what I wouldn't mind if they did a complete overhaul on Angela's sister Melissa.

I hope if it's the same creative team behind the camera they'll listen to fan input about things they would like to see in the sequel.


I just came up with another really unique plot outline, involving Melissa and Angela, actually. It's sort of like the original sequel, but it involves Door-woman Diana as the heroine. I've even got an awesome twist ending that would be really cool too. I'll try to add it up later tonight or tomorrow.


Honestly it'll probably be easier, and cheaper to get Diora Baird back over Shannon Elizabeth. They could just simply explain it away by saying that the demon Angela is a displaced dark spirit and chose to return in Lily's body instead. Thus making Diora Baird the new Angela instead of completely recasting the role with another actress.

Also moving the production to Vancouver over New Orleans, or Los Angles will also save on budget and help stretch the dollar further.

The most important thing for the sequel is developing a stronger story that borrows a little from the original Night of the Demons 2, but still at the same time being it's own story and a sequel to the remake. Then make sure to have more violence, blood, gore, sex, and nudity then the remake had, and then you'll be golden.


Shannon Elizabeth would more than likely return, than Diora Baird would. Diora hated this film and even took to her twitter about it. Shannon on the other hand, said she had a blast working on it and that it was a really fun role to play. I'm just sayin Shannon would more than likely coming back to play Angela if offered the role.


I'm kind of surprised about the Diora Baird twitter freak out considering she did the awful 30 Days of Night sequel, where she plays the role of bimbo with a gun who gets killed off. Or her up coming role playing a pornstar named Odessa in the upcoming film "Pornstar". The woman has a likable personality and is very, very beautiful with an amazing body, but has the acting depth of a cocker spaniel.

If they can get Shannon back great, but I can still see her passing on the sequel. I know she hated the makeup portion, and it was the stunt double in most of the Demon Angela shots, with Shannon only doing a little bit of Demon Angela. Maybe they could cut down on Demon Angela, or streamline the look for her so it'd be less makeup.

I'm really looking forward to a sequel. I understand the budget probably won't be much more then the 10,000,000 Million dollar budget they had for the remake. At best it'll probably be nothing more then a mild swelling of 11,000,000 to 13,000,000. Or a worst case scenario of less money, which would suck. So they'll have to use tactics of stretching the budget by filming in cheaper locations like Vancouver, or Toronto, or if they really wanted to save money, then film it in Prague. Then again the production could return to New Orleans if the money is right, because New Orleans is getting really, really cheap to film in these days. Also using lesser known/unknown actors would be a cost saving measure.
