Where Can I buy the DVD?

I've tried Best Buy, Walmart, and Target. No one has it. I don't want to order it online becuase that will take too long, plus I don't want to have to pay for shipping. Has anyone else found it??



I thought that you can only rent from red boxes??
I want to actually buy the film.


Despite the website not having it listed, FYE has it in stock. They actually had it a week early. I got my copy on Sunday and it wasn't suppose to be out anywhere until today.

"You know someone lacks intelligence when their only argument is Dont See It."


All the Best Buys in my state have it in stock, that's weird you can't find it.


Can't find it here either. I went to three Wal-mart locations and two FYI's and still can't find the damned thing. Maybe some states are just behind??


Couldn't find it at Wal-Mart or Best Buy, finally rented from a Redbox. Netflix also has it. You can buy from Redbox, even though it is primarily a rental service
