What a POS

I rented this hoping it might be a decent, fresh take on the material that I loved so much from the original. The only redeeming thing about it was Linnea Quigley's brief cameo dressed as Suzanne (similarly) recreating her famous bending over scene. Other than that, this film was completely forgettable. Shannon Elizabeth's take on Angela was totally wrong. Mimi Kinkaide's Angela was originally a bad girl who stole food and broke into Hull House to have her party and was knowledgable about Halloween and supernatural. Shannon Elizabeth's Angela is a ditzy, aging goth who rented a mansion to throw a party and didn't get a permit in order to charge people to come. The original was about teens partying in a possessed, delapidated mansion. This one is about 30-somethings pretending they're teenagers and getting possessed by incredibly stupid-looking "demons" who were supposedly brought into the house by a girl who used to live there and contacted them, then hung/decapitated herself when the demons attempted to possess her. LAME! I'll stick witht he 80s original - sure it's cheesy and acting isn't great, but it's campy and fun and has a much better demon mythos and interesting, likable characters. Tits and gore aren't always the best things in a horror movie.


Well, I don't think any of the people in this movie were supposed to be teenagers. At one point one of them said something about knowing Angela from high school, so they're at least in their mid twenties as far as the movie is concerned.


I caught that too, but that's so pointless. Part of the fun of the original was that they were clueless teenagers.


You're faulting the remake for doing the same thing as the original.
Ages of cast in 1988 when the original was released..

Angelia(Amelia Kinkade) - 25
Linnea Quigley - 30
Jill Terashita - 24
Billy Gallo - 22
Lance Fenton - 22

The Flicks - http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=14740516


Well, in defense of the OP here's the age of these actors:

Shannon Elizabeth: 37
Monica Keena: 31
Bobbi Sue Luther: 32
Michael Copon: 27
Edward Furlong: 33
Diora Baird: 27
John F. Beach: late 20s (can't find an exact date for him)

I don't think that the movie nailed down an exact age for them, so I think that they were supposed to be about 25 years old on average. I think that Angela was supposed to be older in this film, so I'd peg the character age at 30. Shannon definitely isn't a 25 year old anymore, but I can see her playing a 30 year old.


At least in the original they were specified as teenagers and they played it off as such. So no, sorry, no faulting there.



It's called "RedBox" for those of us that don't have instant NetFlix (which doesn't have everything, believe it or not). It's only a buck and it's convenient. Some of us actually like browsing and miss the days of actual video stores - when you could tangibly examine what you were renting and browse in reality and not virtually.


It's exactly what you are doing.

The age ratio is the same.

The Flicks - http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=14740516


That's your perception. As the actual poster, that was not my intent, so you are wrong.


It's not my "perception" it's fact. If that wasn't what you intended then your statement makes no sense.

Both films are guilty of the same thing. Having a cast play character roughly five to ten years older that what was suggested\implied.

Original = teens being played by actors mid early 20s to 30.

Remake = Mid 20s-ish characters being played actors in their early 30s to 40.

The Flicks - http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=14740516



Excuse me, but YOU are missing a key fact: in the original, it's clearly pointed out that they are teenagers. In the remake, it is never stated anywhere how old they are supposed to be - all you know is that they're out of high school. So once again, your "facts" of what I was doing are wrong and only your perception.


Would it have felt better about it if they had clearly stated their age?

They had the one character stated that she knew her in high school to put things in perspective. That way it was clear that they weren't in high school. They probably figured that is all the clarification they need in a crappy direct to video B movie.

The Flicks - http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=14740516
