I just watched it, and it wasn't that bad. Don't get me wrong it was not as good as the original, but It had it's hit's and misses. I thought that the way they told the story of how it all started was informative and made sense. The original's was rather vague. I think, the safe room in the remake was a good idea. I will admit the daylight trick,messing with the clocks, and the blood on the walls were a little far fetch. I thought the rust being able to hurt them was a good touch. I didn't buy that Edward's character, use to date Monica's character(that girl was hot) but I did appreciate the fact that it was someone like Edward, instead the standard 5'10, jock/overachiever type.One of the man thing in the original is that you had 2 unlikely heroes. In the original Susan killed the guy she was having sex with. I like the change the guy infected Susan, but the way they were having was rather awkward. Really the one big problem that they did was the lipstick scene. Sorry but they should not have tried to re-due that. The lipstick scene in the original was a classic, one of a kind thing, but them doing, and trying to make it more gruesome was a sad and pathetic attempt to TRY and out do the first one. I felt it was more of a retelling than a remake. I am tired of all this remake not having the same characters name. I know in this one there were 2, but what about the rest. Just because they remake something doesn't mean that it's automatically going to be a mistake. People need to stop being such closed minded pricks. Did they need to remake this movie? NO, but they did. and in all it was pretty decent. I'm defiantly watching it again next Hallow Eve.