MovieChat Forums > Night of the Demons (2011) Discussion > In the original Night Of The Demons they...

In the original Night Of The Demons they had 10 characters and this one

In the original film they had 10 characters that they had a story go around on. One was a Asian female who was beautiful, they had Stooge, and a black guy. In the remake they did not use any characters like these three. I wonder why they did not want to do that?

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


Perhaps just a coincidence? I never really saw the big deal about an African-American or Asian-American being in the first film anyway.

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Yeah but if they are going to do something they should do it right though in my opinion.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


My guess is the original didnt have more then a cult following and as a result this movie had a smaller budget, smaller budget less actors / actoresses and so forth. At which point they just grab a few women willing to show some tits and a few guys who dont mind making out throw on some makeup and bam cheezy remake.

It didnt bother me that there were no minorities in this film but i also didnt pay close attention to which movies had which minorities in them in the first place.

All in all its not a horrible remake, not great but not the worst remake either.

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Well since the film was on a low budget I could have told you how they could have made it possibly to have all 10 characters in the film. See in the original film it was a small party not a huge party like they made the remake. So instead of using all of the extras for the major party scene they could have had the 10 cast members be set up for a party like the original film. I mean they could have set the film apart from the original but to a certain degree follow the original script. I hope I explained it well enough for you.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


I get your point but in many cases extras arent even paid, they feed them lunch and give them outfits which yes does cost money. I wouldnt have minded if they did it your way though, maybe a remake of the original with maybe a bit more on makeup and sfx. That being said I can appreciate this movie as a remake that changes it up a little.

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I enjoyed the remake and all because it does have the essence of some of the things that the original had but they also did things with it that is different as well.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!
