MovieChat Forums > Night of the Demons (2011) Discussion > Hmmm... One thing I don't get...

Hmmm... One thing I don't get...

If the demons had one night, Halloween, to possess 7 people... Halloween is October 31... doesn't Halloween end one minute after midnight? At 12:01 am on November 1? This movie considers Halloween as being the night of the 31st extending into the morning of November 1, but technically, the new day begins at midnight...

So what did I enjoy...

Not much.. although they used one of my favorite Concrete Blonde songs in the soundtrack... "Bloodletting (the Vampire Song)" For that, and a few corny one liners, I gave it a 4.


If the demons had one night, Halloween, to possess 7 people... Halloween is October 31... doesn't Halloween end one minute after midnight? At 12:01 am on November 1? This movie considers Halloween as being the night of the 31st extending into the morning of November 1, but technically, the new day begins at midnight...



Yes- the film did NOt Goof.......It Implied thee DEMONS Had 1 Night (*Meaning NOt 24hr's -But Before Dawn/SUNRISE)Only to Possess 7 body's To Be FREE of Hell & to Roam Take over Or Else they'd Vanquish back to the netherworld(*wish "they" Did cause they LOst*).......They only Accomplished 6 bodie's & Were So HELLBENt On Capturing Monica Kenna/"Maddie".......But Like she said "-Demon's!?-What do you know NOt So Smart!!" ;>

"HOW VERY!!!!!!!"
