MovieChat Forums > Night of the Demons (2011) Discussion > The ORIGINAL is much better (duh!)

The ORIGINAL is much better (duh!)

I had above average expectations for this one...was sorely dissapointed. Despite some decent makeup effects & a nice location, you don't CARE about the fact, all the girls in the movie were pretty interchangeable as neither had any personalty least in the original, some of the main "survivors" were a bit more the first 25 or so minutes are pretty dull...even for a "setup".


The October Horror Challenge (31 horror movies in 31 days)


the music was the only good thing this was a pretty bad disgrace to the 1st


have to agree. LOVE the original, this one...not so much. Monica Keena kept me watching as every time I see her it reinforces my crush on her. I like to root for the underdog so I will watch anything with edward furlong in hopes he will somehow redeem himself, but it wasn't here. a few good moments but without keena and Linnea's cameo, not worth the watch. oh, yes a few good songs on the soundtrack too, like the concrete blond song. which is the one that plays after it on the credits and also on the menu? I can't place it

"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"



Decent makeup effects? I think the demons in the original are far creepier and more realistic, and that film was made in the 80's.


I honestly cannot understand how ANYONE likes the original. I LOVE 80's horror/monster movies, even bad ones... and in my opinion NOTD is absolute garbage.

Yes the remake was pretty lousy, but at least it had some semblance of a plot. The makeup effects were much better as well. Angela looked way cooler anyway and the faceless girl demon was SICK! I cared way more about these throw away characters (which is to say... still not much) than I did of the original cast. In the original it seemed like every single actor (yes even Leanna Quigley) was just a friend of the director, not an actual actor. Again, I realize the acting in the remake is lousy too... but compared to the original, it was MacBeth.

It feels like I'm taking crazy pills when I see people defend the original and call it a CLASSIC. I felt the same way when I saw people defending the original Bloody Valentine. All I'm sayin' is... just because a movie was made over 15 years ago, doesn't make it a CLASSIC... it just makes it kinda old.

Just my opinion of course.

They cried DIVINE WRATH! But come on, dried dung can only be stacked so high.


Haven't seen remake yet as I only got here via wanting to know what other disgraces the director was known for, after groaning through Autopsy. I want to know what to avoid.

In my opinion, the original is a terrible movie, but a lot of fun. I actually do re-watch it for laughs. So I guess I'm a fan.

Anyways, question. Does the remake still include the line "Eat a bowl of ****" ?


I think is a mixture of nostalgia and hate for ANYTHING that is a remake these days. I Hate remakes too but in this case the remake is not as bad as people are saying.
The Original was okay but it was a little boring at times and it was not that great. There are way better horror movies from the 80s than the original Night of the demons. I loved the demons in the original but the movie is not masterpiece.

This remake I liked it. IT was okay, sure it is trashy compared to other better horror movies but compared to the original in my opinion they were both the same. I will not say the original was better because it wasn't. It just has the nostalgia factor going for it.
I can understand if someone hates this movie because they think it sucks and never saw the original or they think both movies suck. But to say the original is a masterpiece and this one sucks is just dumb.
This is the same crap that the remake of Friday the 13th had. People complaining of the remake acting like the originals were masterpieces when the original Friday had some of the worst acting in the history of film making
I'll look down, and whisper no


I never even knew a remake existed until now. The original is a classic B movie.

Clark's destiny = Superman, Lex Luthor & Lois Lane.


The Original was one of my favorite horror movies!This one pretty much kinda sucked,and the music was horrible.

Can't Travel the Path Of Hell and Arrive In Heaven.


Look at tonite and yeah it just sucks! The original was way better and the costumes and setting in the original was alot more scarier! This remake was a joke! It was nothing but big boobs, terrible effects, and lousy plotting!

BTW, Monica and Elizabeth don't show their boobs which just plain sucks! Their not going to be bigger stars if they keep their clothes on anyways!

But NOTHING in this remake was scary. Just cheap scares and everything you seen before in horror movies. BTW, Edward Furlong can't act but he wasn't the only one. Not one person even tried to give a good performance. At least the actors in the original tried but in the remake, nope no one gave a damn.

This movie wasn't even a rental. Just avoid at all cost and forget it ever happened.


The original is alot better, but i thought this was kinda fun too.
