MovieChat Forums > Night of the Demons (2011) Discussion > My Post of the New Year...WTF is wrong w...

My Post of the New Year...WTF is wrong with Ed Furlong?

Dude, you have an opportunity to still be somewhat popular in American culture.
Get your ass to the gym and get healthy. Hopefully you've already begun. keep pumping your brain with that FOXNEWS static.



I just saw this last night and I couldn't believe the size of him.
Could be worse, he could have turned into a junkie.


I didn't think he looked fat at all. He just looked aged. you know like how Humans that have had somewhat of a rough life age.
I mean of course a lot of people that take care of themselves (celebrities) don't really age but he just looked like a regular dude. not bad not good just regular dude that you see at your regular bar.
He was not fat, people are just retarded. If he is fat then Jonah Hill and Jack Black are morbidly obese whales then, I mean, if you are going to judge like that then kevin james is grotesquely obese and can't even get out of bed.

I'll look down, and whisper no


Thank the Lord for good genes!

I'm probably as bad (or worse) in self-destructive habits than he is but I've only insignificantly gone out of shape. My largely mesomorph body helps me keep physically vibrant - very little activity is required to get in shape but still I don't do any!

I'm sure he'll pull himself together if he becomes active. Maybe it's best if I also get restarted anyhow - just to replenish mood.


Damn its crazy how you guys are such hash on look. I mean, he was not FAT at all, he was slightly chubby, well he just have a bit more meat than we are use to see him thats it. Everybody remember the young pretty boy of Terminator or how he look in American History X as a 15 or 16 y.o. But the guy just grew up... he always looked like a drug addict, he played mostly roles like that(Detroit Rock City) so thats why they cast him in those. Now he get a mere 15 lbs and people go crazy over him? duuuude.

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


Is it just natural ageing process or is he out of shape? A bit of both I guess.
But what's funny is that his character in the movie is saying something like "dude, my life is too *beep* up right now to do things like that" and then he turns around and looks in the camera for a second. Like he's admitting he's out of shape.


he was a little overweight not extremely fat

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest movie directors today
