MovieChat Forums > Night of the Demons (2011) Discussion > The Edward Furlong isn't really that fat...

The Edward Furlong isn't really that fat thread

give the guy a break. not everyone has to be buff or fit to play a character in a movie. he was funny and the most likable character.

i hope you choke on your bacardi & coke!
*Team Landa*


I think the issue is more that he used to be nice and lean and handsome than simply that it's an overweight actor. You're right that he's not that fat compared to probably most fat people, but it's his transformation that have people talking.


Okay, gotta add my two cents. Furlong is like 5 and a half feet tall, and he's now in his early '30s. Any little bit of weight on a short person looks like much more than it actually is, and people in their 30s don't look they did when they were 14. If Furlong had remained in the public eye, it would've been incentive for him to stay svelte, but honestly the last thing I remember seeing him in was 1999's "Detroit Rock City."

In "DRC" he looked like he was badly strung out on heroin but the puffiness of his face in "Night of the Demons" leads me to think he probably traded in drugs for booze. I don't mean fatness, I mean puffiness. Whether thin or fat, there's a fairly unmistakable facial bloat when someone's drinking heavy, and he's got it in this film. (I heard someone call it "whiskey bloat" once and that term's always stuck with me.) Chances are booze is also the reason for the extra weight.

On the same subject but slightly off-topic, years ago I went to this thing where I met a short actress. In person, she was obviously overweight, but she still looked damned good. When I got home that night, I rolled back the tape of the local talk show she appeared on that same morning... and discovered she looked like she swallowed the Goodyear Blimp. That really put things into perspective for me.


Man I watched this movie mainly cause I saw the old one, so I didnt really know/care about the cast. He showed up and I was like "WTF there's something familiar about this guy..." but I couldnt put my finger on it. Later on Terminator 2 flashed in my head... couldn't believe it was the same guy :D

Oh well, Edward you still rock man!


I completely agree with egoangel18....I love Edward Furlong and I thought that he did a really good job in this movie. It's kind of ridiculous that people think that movie stars have to be stick thin and look perfect.


He had no neck and had this tired look on his face throughout the entire movie.


truth is true. keep pumping your brain with that FOXNEWS static.


The guy just looks generally unhealthy. If he dies young it won't matter, though. It's not like we will lose a great talent.


he was not fat at all, he's short and looks a little puffy. honestly it mostly looked like he needed a GOOD night's sleep. acting wise, he was just fine.


I'll agree with you in that he didn't look very healthy in this movie, but I don't think the rest of your comment is called for--it's just downright mean. Regardless of what you think of any actor's talent etc., you should try and remember they're still human beings.
