I was rooting for the kids (seriously) - spoiler alert!!!
This was the first time in my whole life that I was rooting for the bad guys (in this case, the two kids)… I mean, those parents were stupid as hell!
-The father walk around all day with a camera in his hands acting like a 5 years old kid with ADD.
-The mother was a psychiatry… at the middle of the movie she was like “My kids need medical attention”… Well, duh!!! The kids acting like weirdos since the beggining of the movie! And she was a psychiatry for crying out loud!!!
-The son throw a rock at this own father and he didn’t do anything… (A ROCK!!!)
-The kids killed fishes, a frog, the cat, the dog and the parents didn’t do anything…
-The kids DIDN’T TALK, didn’t smile, and the parents acting like nothing!
Were they stupid or something???
Those morons deserved to die.