Good Movie (spoilers)

I just finnished the film, it was very differant.
Unlike most comments I have read I liked the characters of the parents. I thought they were goofy, and young, and most of all real.

I found it interesting to see the contrast between the parents, specifically the differant approches they take to dealing with their children.
The Mother, a doctor chooses to diagnose her children, while the Father, a Minister, chose to exorcise them.

I think that this movie has a lot to offer, and requires more than one viewing to really get a sense of the films message.


I agree. I thought they seemed like a normal enough couple and now they have these demon children and have to deal with that.


I agree! I liked the movie too, loved the build up of tension and I thought the climax was great. I felt for the parents, despite their occasional oblivion (but I've known parents in real life who are just as oblivious to their kids' obvious issues, so that felt realistic), and I despised the kids, but couldn't wait to see what they'd do next, especially when it came to their parents' demise.

So come up to the lab and see what's on the slab


I tried to watch this but it was a bit too much for me. Can someone write up a spoiler filled synopsis for me???

I love you all. I really do. Truly.


The two kids were similar to Rhoda from The Bad Seed. They had great parents and were loved it was just like they were born evil. I guess they were also similar to Henry from The Good Son. He came from a loving family but still seemed to have been born evil. The fact that the two kids in this movie have such great and loving parents makes them more creepy than if they had messed up parents.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.
