All positive news articles about this are companies owned by FOX!!!

Do some googling and you will see that there are WAAAAAAAY to many articles shining a positive light on this movie, claiming its for the fans, fawning over the directors creativity and choices they have made. Worst of all saying this is to equally introduce rocky to a new generation (yea, because that will be the EXACT same experience as seeing the original).

Every single article I did research on is owned by FOX!

I know this happens a lot already (yay capitalism!) but there isn't a single legitimate positive article about this movie and that is freaking pathetic!

Not that I would expect any real praise for this abomination.


Well Rupert Turdoch is Satan after all, when his news channels aren't telling blatant porkies his TV networks are cancelling great shows like Firefly. I'm glad I spotted this thread because I didn't know this was Fox affiliated, now it's one less show I can busy myself with because there's so much good stuff coming this month I've been feeling like a couch potato.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov
