What was that weird movie theater scene?

It kind of looked like they are going to force the antics and ritual of the Rocky Horror Picture Show by showing some weird meta theater scene. So you'd be watching people watching the film as they do the things that people do at the more interactive showings. That just seems weird as hell to me and very forced. I hope that was just like some short, demonstration or cheeky reference and nothing further.


Incredibly stupid and unnecessary, unless the audience are in the Castle (which is a cinema anyway) watching the events on a screen as they unfold... I like that idea, but it's still pointless either way.


Well, considering that the opening number takes place in the audience....

Seriously. Is everyone expecting a remake of the film or another adaption of the play? I am on the adaption train....

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


I've only ever seen both simultaneously.



I mean, I saw it in a theater with actors, and props, and musical numbers, and a band, on a stage, with me in the audience, I purchased my ticket at the playhouse box office. Does the play take place in outer space or something? Maybe it's a silent interpretive dance number you watched? What else does it need to qualify as the play? Because the director seemed to think it was a play and the newspaper did too.


You know full well what I meant. Either you saw the actual musical play or you didn't. From your earlier response, you made it sound like it was what midnight showings do by playing the film while actors parade around in costume in front of the audience, which is also very popular.... Am I making it clear enough for you?

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


I didn't see it on broadway. If that's all you care about. It was a full play, however, based on the broadway script.


When did I mention Broadway. You were the one who didn't make it clear....

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


It looks like it will be a bit of both. Lou Adler has no legal rights to remake the play, but he does the movie. And just like the UK had a release of the play one night only in British cinemas last year, this TV adaptation which supposedly uses the same exact script as the film, is actually using the stage opening (an Usherette instead of a disembodied voice.)

I really hate the idea of staging the "audience" into this. While I realize Lou Adler is trying to honor us fans, I would have much rather seen a straight remake (or no remake) of the film/play; but with much better pacing.

You can find the Rocky Horror "live cinema screening" starring Ben Forster as Brad if you look on some tube. I forget the name of it. :)


The fact that SFDF is set in the cinema/castle means that we see the place before B&J do, which would be weird.


Has it been confirmed that the castle and cinema are the same place? Or is this just your theory? In the stage production, an usherette sings SFDF. Since the song has little to do with the continuity of the show, it's more of an introduction than an opening scene, it could have absolutely nothing to do with the castle. If anything, I am already imagining a fake audience filing into the theater audience as patrons seeing a midnight showing of Rocky Horror, and then SFDF begins and then we watch what the fake audience watches which would be the rest of the program. So the plot of the show still begins with Brad and Janet at the wedding.... Whether the newer version will include the audience participation is another possibility as in the commercial, that classic "Shiver with antici......" "SAY IT!" "...patron" shows that same fake audience shouting "SAY IT!"

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


I'm sure I read somewhere that the Castle is a cinema... so unless there are two cinemas: one for the audience, one for Frank's castle... I dunno, I guess we'll just wait and see.


That will be strange then...

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


Just saw the Trailer now.

You have to understand that one of the things that made this movie a cultural phenomena was the 'Experience' of seeing it in a packed theater after midnight. It was clear to me upon seeing this trailer that was what the makers of this New version were trying to do. Recapture the Theater Experience for a TV Audience. How that works out will be seen. It felt false to me from what I watched. But we shall see when it plays.

(Spoiler Alert)The Confederacy LOSES the Civil War!!!!


looks like the whole movie will have that idiotic theater scenes...

the worst part is how fake the actors are acting in those scenes. wtf were they thinking.
the clip on the trailer felt so fake and not genuine.... Why are they acting like that?

this is such a horrible mess


Here's how the director described it, via Cox, it awhile back, just another "hint" that really gave us no idea what to expect from this. I truly believe that the lack of communication from producers and cast led to all this animosity about a remake... not to mention the fact that it exists, the poor casting etc. Anyway -

“It’s inspired by the original but it’s really our own take. It’s way more elaborate and couture. [Director] Kenny Ortega had this vision that Frank was at this old theater and found these old burlesque costumes and is, like, using them and wearing them now but has altered them a bit.”


So we're NOT at a castle? It's a theater fantasy? It's a tribute or remake? No one knows what to expect and while that's sometimes a good thing, here it's not IMO. people commenting here and on YouTube are insistent that this will be a "live stage musical", when it's actually been pre-filmed and wrapped already. No live vocals it's been confirmed.
