Rocky Horror? Broadcast-Friendly? SERIOUSLY???

It was CUTE when Glee did a tribute to Rocky Horror, and everyone KNEW censorship would slice it all up, we EXPECTED that.

But how is FOX even THINKING they can make this entire show BROADCAST-FRIENDLY for Prime Time television? This is NOT a family show.

We have Transsexuals, Adultery, Fornication, Homosexual Sex scenes, Song's about Sex, Lust, Transvestites, etc...

How in BLOODY HELL does Fox think this is even acceptable for broadcast television?

This is almost like DISNEY taking on BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS!


The ONLY times I've seen the original film air on tv was VERY LATE at night on cable TV and even THEN..... it was edited for content.

This is going to TICK off some SERIOUS Rocky Horror fans.


You forgot the Murder and Cannibalism! 😱

This is going to TICK off some SERIOUS Rocky Horror fans.

Too late, it already has!


Bloody American versions of British things.. lol

The new production seems to be a very polished version, but here in the uk the original has been shown on prime time slots, the films content doesn't shock or offend us.


American audiences are puritanical about sex.

You can have all the death and dismemberment and torture you want and no one will bat an eyelash, but expose one female nipple or show any bush (male or female) and all Hell breaks loose.


Same goes for language. We can say "god damn" and on some networks say "s--t", but we can't say the F word or "a$$hole" (ass, however, is acceptable). How does that make any sense?


How in BLOODY HELL does Fox think this is even acceptable for broadcast television?

It is in most other western countries. It's only americans who are still so backwards, prude, insecure and downright afraid of sex and other natural things that they go *beep* about something harmless like this 😊



You are insane.


it just means we have some SELF-RESPECT and MORALS to protect our children from such corrupting filth.

Pity you can't protect your children from being shot at school or at home, or in shopping centers, or cinemas. Freak out when a boob pops out on telly, terrified of a man wearing lipstick... yes you're a backwards nation.


This isn't just a man wearing lip-stick. This is a man who celebrates sexual depravity. Creating a man for his own sexual satisfaction, but yet, takes side-pleasures in Janet AND Brad. Playing dress up and flaunting his sexuality in front of anyone who would have him and seducing anyone he wants. If he doesn't GET what he wants, the only answer is simple: MURDER!

Normal people don't gather the family around for family hour and watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show together.

And if you HONESTY try to defend this as FAMILY entertainment, then you are just as sick.

I can accept that people WANT Adult Entertainment, this is a free country and there is an audience for Adult Entertainment. But the line that separates adult entertainment and family fare is becoming more and more blurred. More and more children are being exposed to things that were NEVER MEANT to be exposed to children.

Songs with lyrics like "T-T-T-Touch Me, I want to feel dirty, Thrill me, Fill me, Fulfill me, creature of the night" or "I'm not much of a man by the light of day, but by night I'm one hell of a lover."

As for protecting my children, yes, I can protect them from MOST of this filth. We watch age appropriate programs together and we home-school our children. (Since many public schools are now allowing transgenders to bunk with opposite sex children during overnight trips and the schools are not required to inform parents, and since Christianity has been banned but Islamic teaching is being forced....yes, we have decided to home school.)

You are free to disagree with me, but as of now, there are still certain obscenity
laws that forbid MUCH of the content in this show to air on network television, which means things will have to be censored, toned down, changed, etc.... and I can imagine this will anger the REAL Rocky Horror fans who are not accustomed to a PG-13 version of this show.

So, NON-Fans will be upset already, and the REAL fans will ALSO be upset for all the editing. I wonder who really benefits here from a show like this airing on NETWORK television?


This isn't just a man wearing lip-stick

I know that, i was being patronising.

Normal people don't gather the family around for family hour and watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show together.

What is a 'normal person' ? we go to the live shows as a family instead.. at least most families i know do.

this is a free country

Well, if you have to carry a gun for protection then you don't have your freedom. But yes the uk is a free country, i can walk the streets not needing a weapon for protection.

As for protecting my children, yes, I can protect them from MOST of this filth.
It's not the 'filth' you need to worry about, it's your neighbours with their 'rooty tooty pointy shootys'

But it's good to know you care so much and are hanging out on a forum that's dedicated to this 'filth' It sounds like there's a Frank deep down inside you screaming to let loose.


I actually use to LOVE this film and still enjoy SOME of the music. If I catch it on late night TV, I might watch a bit of it until the dirty parts come on, and then I shake my head and turn the channel.

I confess I am most curious about this television version and how far they will go with it. But I most CERTAINLY wont be watching with my children.

But yes, I've been known to "TIME WARP" a time or two before. :)


The only parts you should be shaking your head at is your Christian Fundamentalism. Now lube your chastity belt and go to bed.


Nah, I wear my Christian Badge proudly. Never gonna take that off.

But that isn't even the topic of this thread. But thanks for noticing. :)


Today is the Sabbath day. Remember to keep it holy. You should only be visiting Christian websites today.

You will perish in flames.


There are no dirty parts, it's all good clean fun.


I've watched the movie with my 10yr old. She had questions which both my wife and I answered and all was fine


I ain't no prude, I love raunch, John Waters films, hard to shock me anymore. But I am glad I grew on network TV, watching Disney films etc. and wasn't exposed to R-rated films until much later in life. Childhood was fun and having an innocent childhood makes all of the adult wickedness even funner to finally grow into!

So yeah that's one of the many misgivings for me, the limitations of broadcast network TV. We remember FOX sanitizing Rocky for the "Glee" show. Which to be honest didn't ever "bother" me. I was never a big Gleek but I was glad they introduced musicals to a new audience. Hopefully that led some people to the REAL Rocky film. But "Glee" was a show about people putting on a show, that's excusable. This new version attempts to "be" or "re-imagine" the actual film and I feel it will be counter-productive to introducing a new audience to the original.


The Glee episode, of course, was broadcast a decade after Fox actually showed Rocky Horror on primetime television with Little Nell's nipples fully visible.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


Normal people don't gather the family around for family hour and watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show together.

My family did. We even got the props to use during the movie. My sister let me watch the movie when I was about 8 and most of the stuff went over my head. I just thought it was a fun movie with catchy music.


I suppose my comment wasn't an absolute. There's always an exception or two.


They did it with the original film for one of the anniversaries (I want to say the 20th?) Broadcast it in prime time on FOX.



This is going to TICK off some SERIOUS Rocky Horror fans.

It's a good thing then that you're not a Rocky Horror fan. Otherwise you wouldn't get your all-caps rage on over a few sex scenes that are far less explicit than what can be seen in every other TV show.

PS: In 9th grade, back when dinosaurs walked the Earth (in the 1980s, that is), I had a history teacher who showed this movie to my class on the last day before the summer holidays. We all turned out just fine. Nobody was traumatized, none of us grew up to be maniacal sex fiends or evil scientists, and those of us who turned out to be gay or bi were gay or bi all along.
