From a non-fan
I saw Rocky Horror twice- once maybe 20 years ago when all my fellow journalism students were always raving about it so I watched it. Thought it was boring. Watched it again a couple days ago when it was on Logo. Liked it better the second time. Then I watched this. I liked the intro with the usherette. I thought Reeve Carney at times was great and just like the original and at other times sucked like he was trying too hard. Magenta and Columbia sort of disappeared into the background, except when Christina Milian was being terrible and stood out a bit. In the original, I thought Susan Sarandon's singing sucked. Victoria Justice's singing was better, which made me realize Sarandon's sucky high-pitched kitten singing was part of the character's charm. I loved Barry Bostwick since I first knew him as king of the 80s miniseries- so I loved his Brad. But even if he wasn't replacing Barry, the new Brad had zero personality. I didn't have anything against the new Rocky but I did like the first one better. Adam Lambert was good. I liked him more than Meat Loaf i think. Ben Vereen was fine. Loved the Tim Curry criminologist even if he did remind me of my uncle. In the 1975 version, Curry's Frank was so magnetic you couldn't look away when he was on screen. Laverne not so much. Partly because she looked just like she does in everything I've seen her in except for a couple colorful wigs. She was kind of dull in the part. Even if you didn't care that she was not a transvestite. And yes the sets weren't as good. So it's not just super-fans of the 70s version who didn't like this as much. Though I didn't hate it. Just thought it was a watered-down meh compared to the first movie. Which is what you can usually expect from TV versions of things. Though not always.