Best and Worst

Christina Millian was horribly miscast. Shes too cutesy for Magenta. Shes not sultry/ dark enough.

Brad is a boring character but the guy playing him is superb! Great voice, acting and mannerisms.

Columbia sucks! Shes like a weird butchy Cyndi Lauper.

Adam Lambert = awesome Eddy!!!


Columbia looked like an Avril Lavigne reject.

I like Cristina Millian, but she ain't no Patricia Quinn. Not sultry enough.

Brad felt more similar to Barry's version of Brad, but Victoria just SUCKED!

Adam was okay, but not a rebel, in my opinion.

Riff Raff was decent enough and Frankenfurter was even decently done.

The Transylvanians sucked at being aliens.

Rocky was.. meh.. felt Rocky-ish, but was not as cool as the original.

Dr. Scott was not a German Scientist at all in this.


I really liked the guy who played Brad.

And to be honest, i liked Columbia a lot, too.

I also liked Frank.

I thought was gonna love Reeve Carney as Riff Raff but he was a slight miss for me.

I didn't mind Janet.

"Luke Skywalker has vanished."
