What's with all the snapping?

Anyone know?



I am a thread killer. That's what I do. I post in a thread and then it dies.


It's a slam on all those hipsters from the late sixties early seventies when the original movie was made. I think it's a brilliant addition to an old standard


what does 'all the snapping' mean?


Snapping is sometime used as a replacement for clapping. "Beatniks", who were kind of like the cool kids/hipsters of the 50s, would supposedly clap at poetry readings instead of applauding. I'm not sure if they really did that or if that was just how they were depicted in popular culture, but like a lot of things shown on TV in movies, it eventually became a thing that people really do. There are some news articles about how many college students there days prefer snapping to clapping, so I guess the film's makers thought it would be a cool thing to put in the movie.



it was beatniks in the 50s early 60s; not hipsters from the late sixties early seventies (source, I lived in the 60s and 70s and we didn't have hipsters. We had hippies. I lived in the 50s, too but was too young to know any beatniks for real. All the beatniks I saw were on tv.)

I suspect one could make some decent comparisons between beatniks of then and hipsters of now. But not hippies and hipsters. Waay different. :-)

the NYTimes has an interesting tidbit on beats and snapping fingers.



It's a method of approval without using the noise makers of the original. I've seen rich people do it before. No damned idea why they did it. If they spent that much money, surely someone could have gone to the dollar store and grabbed a bunch of noise makers. But the whole thing was so bad I'm not surprised.


I saw it more as a hipster-esque party called a "KIKI" that the Scissor Sisters so kindly explain to us in this video. You'll see what I'm talking about around 1:48 or so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGCD4xb-Tr8&feature=youtu.be


If they spent that much money, surely someone could have gone to the dollar store and grabbed a bunch of noise makers.


The stupid ones get arrested,
The smart ones get re-elected.
