Well... at least Shock Treatment will look better!

Can't wait for this to air and then die a horrible death.

Stop kidding yourself people. This film is a disgrace. So what if there have been a bunch of stage performances before and after the original? There has never been an attempt at a film remake for a damn good reason. Because the 75 film is immortal and does not need a watered down cash grab tv remake.

Call me a troll, whatever i dont care, i am not drinking the kool aid. These are my honest opinions that come from my love of Rocky. There is no reason to remake this, its still in theaters across the nation and will be for another 100 years.




I watched this, then went to Shock Treatment and realized this remake made me like Shock Treatment more than I used to. =P


I love pointing out the irony that Shock Treatment was the bastard sequel to RHPS, a beloved cult movie which blew up and went mainstream, thereby making the sequel the true cult movie. It ain't RHPS by any stretch of the imagination, but Shock Treatment wound up becoming brilliantly prophetic in its depiction of reality TV stardom... and it looks like Oscar-winning material compared to this dreck.


I just recently rewatched Shock Treatment (it's on YouTube in its entirety) and was surprised at how well it held up. Some good songs, and Jessica Harper was pretty charming. Plus another opportunity to watch Richard O'Brien and Patricia Quinn act together again. I would watch them do anything. They have more chemistry together than almost any pairing Hollywood has put on screen. You can tell they were best friends.


If you can separate the stage plays and theatrical film, then why can't you do the same between the theatrical film and television tribute?
