It's not closed mindedness if you legitimately watched the product and were underwhelmed. It would be closed minded to dismiss it just as an idea without giving the production team a chance to win you over.
Which is why I watched every moment, even though I knew I wanted to turn it off in the first 90 seconds. Though Ivy Levan gave it her all, and was not without charm in that Madonna-circa-Shanghai-Surprise-era way, I didn't really like the way Science Fiction was presented. I have never seen a theatrical presentation of it, though, so perhaps that's the way they always do it, and not a new idea from this production.
But it was just so charmless! There is a reason that millions of people from multiple generations have watched the original and fallen in love with it. I just don't see many people watching what happened last night and falling in love with it. It just seemed like a great product that had been pushed through a corporate meat grinder.
That is not to take away from the tremendous amount of hard work that anyone can see went into this production.