Laverne really ruined it for me

Sorry. Like her in other works. But the whole show is ruined when someone who is actually transgendered and goes by a woman plays the role.


I like the idea. But, and I don't know how far she's gone in the surgery, but the seduction scenes don't have the same weirdness when it's a woman seducing them.


She ruined it for me too. Not because she's transgender but I thought her voice wasn't good enough for the role.


I'd have liked to see Rupaul as Franken Furter.


See, I think the opposite. I felt she embraced the role and became Dr Frank-N-Furter. I mean, nobody on earth can fill Tim Curry's shoes. Nobody could have done it. But Laverne Cox did a great job with her performance.


I thought she did a good job too. She had the camp and the attitude and the voice. I felt that they made her up to look like she was a transvestite (make-up,wigs, costumes)...but I still think it works better if Frank-N-Furter is a man. Like one poster said-- that's the whole point. I really would have liked to see Adam Lambert in that role...but maybe they didn't think he was androgynous enough? idk...

"By the way, All just married hermself. Mono marriage is finally legal in Italy."


You do realize that Ms Cox is trans right? Would it had made more difference if she played the part before transitioning to female?


Yes, maybe. The large boobs were a real problem for this role. It's the first thing I noticed and I'm a gay man!

"In your opinion?"
"Um, yes your honor, in my opinion."


I'm a straight woman and noticed her boobs too. I thought "Damn, that's a great set. I wonder who her surgeon is?!" 


Yes, that's the entire point.


It was a hit and miss for me. I love Laverne and felt her voice and some of her acting was good in some of the parts, but the transgender thing definitely ruined the "sweet Transvestite" part of the show/movie. Transvestite and Transgender are majorly different. I mean, she did embrace the role, definitely; and at some points did remind me of Dr. Frankenfurter, but definitely didn't quite do the part justice. It's really hard to find someone who will shine as much as Tim Curry did in this role.


Same here, her voice was off for those songs and I felt there was way too much overacting. Tim Curry had the perfect balance. I know there is camp in the original but this movie was just bad. Totally lost the spirit and fun for me.


It was meant to be overacted. They wanted it to be 'Broadway' style. Except they chose not to do a live taping like many shows have done lately.

I think it's being missed that this show wasn't about taking the RHPS and making it better, it was to have a cast come and bring it back to stage style. They did it and they had fun. It WAS fun.


She was weak in the role. She tried to be a diva, and that didn't work.

And why not have the running mascara and the drenched hair and costume to show the complete downfall of Frank n Furter. Was she too good to look that way?
The King Kong hand was obviously ridiculous, although, I did like the hands touching in The Creation homage to the original pool scape.

She basically ruined what could have been a decent if not good remake.

Too bad.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Her speaking voice was weird. She was trying to do some kind of accent but it came off as strange sounding. Her singing was okay though. I don't know...I don't think any character was well cast.

Get away from her, you BITCH!!!
