One thing I really enjoyed was...

The addition of the Usherette to the beginning. The original movie dropped the character from the play and only preserved the disembodied lips to sing the title song. That was one of the few things I appreciated about this remake.


I certainly appreciated the usherette as well.


Same. But that's probably the ONLY thing they got from the stage play.


I was just on the phone with my sister and telling her that was the only good part! the rest, she laughed and said she could tell my jaw was dropped trying to think of anything else good to say about it! But it was such a nice opening, rather sweet and gentle unlike the stage Usherette.

People should watch that on YouTube and then just watch the original, excuse me, I mean the ONLY version!


I really enjoyed the Usherette as well. As someone who found the show through the stage play first I really appreciated (not the original, far too young). It was one of the few things I thought was done well. They were able to incorporate both the Usherette and the iconic Lips. This show suffered I think under the weight of Rocky's legacy they didn't want to change too much and alienate the fans but they also weren't really prepared or ready to deal with the subject matter either. Casting Laverne Cox was going to bring up controversy anyway so why not a least go all the way with it and make the casting choice mean something. It could have been an excellent commentary on queerness in todays culture but instead they had Laverne due a poor imitation of Tim's Frank.

Its something you'll get used to a mental mind *beep* can be nice!

