Is this being shown in the UK?

If so when and where?
I'd like to see it because I'm curious and a big Tim Curry fan.


I'm not from the UK, so I have no idea. There should be a way to see it online, if there is no other way to see it.


Yeah, sky cinema over the Halloween weekend. I've just seen the teaser for it. Enjoy.


Thanks for the heads up! I don't get Sky Cinema :( But after seeing the poor score on imdb, maybe I'm not missing much.


We do get it, but I'm not rushing to see this. Looks too.......... "safe". They don't seem to have captured that sexy British wink to the camera that the original did. I get the impression that casting a transsexual is what Fox considers risqué.


There are other places it's airing if you want to see it.

My review is already up. It wasn't great, it wasn't terrible.

Apart from casting Cox as Frank, they took no chances. A lot of the singing was sub-par, considering it was all mimed too. Cox just did her impression of Tim Curry.

Hell, you had the real thing there. Even after a stroke He'd be a better Frank.
