I thought this was fine.
This is not the original movie, nor will anything ever be. It was a well-produced version of the stage musical. If I had seen this cast/production live it would have gotten a standing ovation.
Laverne is great during the production numbers. Her voice displays an impressive range, if not an especially lovely one. I finally decided her voice is part Tina Turner, part Whoopi Goldberg; and she pulls off a successful modern drag performance which is much more glamorous than what's the original movie. My main problem is outside of the songs I could not understand a word she was saying in the first third of the movie. It's as if she knew the lines so well that she rattled them off too fast and with an affectation that was hard to understand.
Justice and McCartran are fine as Brad and Janet, both with lovely voices. He's a bit artificial as Brad probably should be, but her Janet was more naturalistic and won me over. McCartran worked "Rose Tint" really well, missing a tiny edge of his former self being shocked at what he's doing, but that may have been directed.
Rocky is adorably innocent, but has some weird sheer knee-length shorts like pajama bottoms added over his requisite gold speedo. I don't understand the point of this; I'm guessing Fox thought it somehow scandalous in a fantasy musical-comedy about omnisexual free love to show a fit guy in swim trunks or a bodybuilder's posing outfit? It certainly doesn't have to be a thong, but you can put a guy in securely padded short briefs that don't show anything more risque than the Olympics. All the loose fabric had opposite effect of making his crotch look unsecured and draw focus more than a solid bulge in his classic outfit would have. Brad's tighty-whities are more revealing than Rocky's outfit.</random crotch discussion>
Carney was good as Riff Raff, but seemed to just be understudying Richard O'Brien. Magenta barely made an impression.
I love Annaleigh Ashford, and her Columbia lit up the screen whenever she was there. She's less a groupie and more a roadie here.
Adam Lambert does his thing while he's on, he probably could have played any part in this they'd given him.
Loved Curry, loved his creepy Time Warp direction to his assistant. Ben Vereen was quite funny in the short Dr. Scott role.
New arrangements were very listenable and updated, so was the choreography (gasp! - they have professional dancers and didn't do the hokey-pokey Time Warp! I sincerely doubt they expected the at home audience to get up and do it with them, seriously.)
This is basically a crossover to give younger Glee crowd the slightly cleaned-up essence of RHS. While it was sanitized, I was genuinely surprised how far they did go with this very sexual, very inclusive musical on network television.