Well they did it...

Fox managed to take the camp out of Rocky Horror.

The singing was over the top, and way too Christina Aguilera in places, in the original they all played it straight (no pun intended), but in this one they played it knowingly and OTT.

You could tell it was done by a committee, where they were around a large corporate desk saying to each other, 'What do kids like nowadays? What do kids relate too? What's the 'in' thing?'

They hardly did the pelvic thrust to warrant insanity, Tim Curry wasn't the right choice, even though it was a nice thought, but he was just a shadow of his former glorious self, they could either have picked Richard O'Brien, or maybe Stephen Fry.

When the woman who FAILED to play Frank first appeared with the mask & everything, I immediately thought of Grace Jones, which too be honest may have been a better choice.

Why have a woman pretending to be a man, create a man so she can have her evil way with him? Isn't that defeating the whole purpose of the story? They might as well made her a heterosexual.

If you want to see a better take on the show, watch this instead it's brilliant. Skip to 15m:28s to watch the show.



"They might as well made her a heterosexual."

That's exactly what they did! Cox's Franks was simply a heterosexual woman.

A woman who builds a musclebound man for her pleasure, Eddie id her former lover, she seduces Brad and has a couple of lez dalliances with Columbia & Janet. Even bisexual women aren't seen as any kind of naughty taboo on television, not for probably thee last 20 years at least!


When the woman who FAILED to play Frank first appeared with the mask & everything, I immediately thought of Grace Jones, which to be honest may have been a better choice.

Methinks you could be absolutely correct there.

The stupid ones get arrested,
The smart ones get re-elected.


Even Adam Lambert would have been a better choice for Frank than Laverne.


This production was such a waste.


I take it you completely ignored the part where Colombia points out she used to be Frank's lover, then was replaced by Eddie? Do you know anything about this movie at all?

They tried portraying this Frank an omni-sexual being that just happens to look female but with no preference in partner gender.

Guessing the name of YM correctly before all others was my claim to fame....and in one night faded.


I take it you completely ignored the part where Colombia points out she used to be Frank's lover, then was replaced by Eddi

That line is in the original movie and the stage play..


Nooooo the original was 'knowing' in the sense that the actors tapped into something dark and forbidden with a believability. This version was totally lost- there was no element of understanding or embodiment of that place. I know you've used that word in a different sense but I think of it as a positive. I guess what you're (rightly) saying is that this cast were so aware of the original film that they were lazy and tried to emulate- rather than find, discover or explore something authentic. I see that as the opposite of knowing.
