It's almost like the production company told them to pander to children. RHPS isn't a kids show. There was also absolutely no chemistry between any of the actors. And I had high hopes for Laverne Cox, cause I am a fan of her previous work, but honestly... she sucked probably the worst. I don't blame the cast though, I think Fox is just clueless and never saw the original.
I agree. Tried to rewatch it, but it's just too painful to see them trying to get into character. It's like they had 5 minutes to study the show and try their best. Pay attention to the extras in the background too ... they have absolutely no idea what to do with themselves, so they just ad-lib their way through this abomination.
Touch-a Touch-a Touch-me didn't even get to first base, for heavens sake. If you can't do the naughty bits, don't even try to remake RHPS.
Cox was the final nail in the coffin. Her version of Frank N. Furter wasn't interesting or shocking. She looked more like a Las Vegas performer trying to audition for Moulin Rouge (and that's probably the best compliment I can give) which doesn't say much about her singing skills (it's bad).
Haha yes! The 'extras' were so clean and well choreographed that it was more like watching HSM than RHPS but you're right- they had no characterisation going on. They did look like they had no idea how to react, but I suspect that was down to lack of direction more than anything.
Very HSM. I couldn't tell if the "Janet" character was Vanessa Hudgens and one of the actors Zac Efron. The girl who played Janet looked to modern and not sweet and innocent like Susan Sarandon's Janet. Just off.
It's too bad they didn't play this without commercials because they were distracting and made me lose interest (even though I'm watching on DVR). Even my DVR didn't like it and only recorded part of it.
Very "technicolor".
Just sitting there among the zinnias, but the old Chinese man sold it to me anyways. For $1.95.