Mr.Cox must see himself as pretending to be a woman

Why wasn't he insulted by even being considered for this role. He should have been outraged. His response should have been, "why me? Did you ask Lady Ga Ga or Lea Michelle?" He didn't react that because he knows why they weren't considered, because their not pretending to be women, they are women. In his heart he knows he was asked because he's pretending to be a women, just a bit more committed than the original Frankenfurter.

I would have a lot more respect for him wanting to seen and referr d to as a women, until this choice, because this shows me that she knows he, even if it is unconsciously, knows HE is pretending


I agree. Frank shouldn't be a woman, and I think that's the biggest reason that this film was appreciated. However, I heard somewhere that Laverne approached them and auditioned for the role. Something about her knowing the material like the back of her hand already.

This link explains it


Even Richard O'Brien agrees that Cox was "poorly cast". Frank shouldn't have breasts, so why call her "Frank" and not "Francis"? It killed the whole shock and interest about Frank N. Furter. Coxs portrayal was nothing more than a Moulin Rogue performer.

The whole remake was deeply flawed. Not worth another watch.


SHE was cast because of the lyric transvestite, from transsexuals transylvania... But this was misunderstood because transsexual is the galaxy, not a title... Which was why She was wrongly cast.


Wow-I thought you'd get screamed at using that pronoun...
