Colombia = snooze

I don't hate this interpretation, I don't love it either, I have seen a lot of live stage performances, they are all different, but this is more censored and I want to happy with the lack of character development... Now on to Colombia, wtf, she was the character I loved the most, her hyperactivity, obsession with love and all round playfulness has all completely been lost by making her a bit of a stroppy teenager who doesn't give an f about anything. What the hell happened with magenta, she never had all that many lines, but she nailed the ones she had, she was all about the looks, she acted with her eyes, but there was nothing, no substance to the role in this film. Honestly the only people that actually were any good in this were Brad, rocky and franken furter.


Yeah, I was disappointed in Columbia too. Her performance felt like she really didn't care, like she didn't want to be there.


Annaleigh was a disappointment. Columbia was an upbeat romantic, happy and fun loving who fan girled over Frank-N-Furter. Why did they make her into an emo? Oh and the death scene looked more like Annaleigh was having a fit instead of dying.


The cast was bad. Columbia was an emo in this.


You guys are full of suite. Get some acting training before you come Every REAL TRAINED SUCCESSFUL actors like myself agree Columbia stole the show. So, an architect wouldn't let you comment on his building when you are full of crap, so I won't either.


Full of suite? And sorry, but you don't get to stop anyone from giving their opinion. They have the same right as you to say what they thought of her performance. Personally I thought she was abysmal.


No one is saying she's not talented. Her acting was fine, she either interpreted the character wrong or was directed wrong. Columbia was written as an exuberant fangirl that wasn't what we got though. Doesn't matter how well she acted that wasn't Columbia.

Its something you'll get used to a mental mind *beep* can be nice!


cry more little baby, cry.
no amount of tears will change the fact that this was garbage. this was horrible. this was a mistake



I was really disappointed with the actress who played Columbia. She did t really have any depth or concept of who Columbia was supposed to be. I blame the director for not explaining the character to the actor.


One of the clips on Hulu said the actress who plays Columbia designed a lot of the costumes because she was a major fan of the original movie. So it doesn't seem there was a matter of her being unfamiliar with the character.


I completely agree!! I was so disappointed with this actress! Columbia is my fave in the original. This was just horrible


Do you idiots on imdb not know there is a mobile app? Do you not know some phones like the s7 have the worst predictive text yet? And, call me a troll, but once you compare it to the original, your critique becomes invalid.


I agree that the whole spelling thing on message boards is kind of dumb. "Suite" could have been a way of thwarting the expletive anyway. But I have a problem with lose/loose and their/there/they're.

However, the idea of not comparing it to the original is ridiculous. I do. I was watching the RHPS in a downtown theatre at midnight for years in the 80's. This is galactically bad, compared to the original or not.

You just have to be resigned-
You're crashing by design


Annaleigh Ashford was the only young one with any legitimate theater experience, aside from Vereen and Curry. She was the one I had highest hopes for, so it was a real shocker when she fell flat, looked disinterested.

Milian's singing is average by studio-altered pop "standards", passable for a pop movie, but I couldn't get past her look or delivery. Gah.

Rocky was cute but came off as some kind of retarded A&F model with zero "cool".


Rocky was cute but came off as some kind of retarded A&F model with zero "cool".

That is spot on. The 1973 Rocky came off naïve and childlike. This was, well... what you said.

There is something off about every character. Not that they have to be clones from 1975, but not a 180 degree spin.

You just have to be resigned-
You're crashing by design


Well, Reeve Carney was in that Spider Man show... And he was a'ight. I don't think he's a specific "broadway" person though.

He's also in PENNY DREADFUL I think.


Reeve Carney is in Penny Dreadful, he plays Dorian Grey - which i think he does a good job of. But i don't know if it was just the way he played Riffraff or if it was the direction, but he just wasn't mysterious or as crazy/pissed off as the character should be.


I had the opposite reaction. Columbia was always my least favorite in the original, but I loved this one. The use of the lollypop was cute. And I adored her accent.


Agreed. Pretty sure she was on heroin the entire time lol.


She sounded bored and was slurring her words most of the time. When she makes her infamous speech to Frank N Furter after Brad, Janet and Dr. Scott have been medusa-ed, her delivery was poor. She sounded drunk and was flubbing and forgetting some of her lines.
