Jeeezusss Chriiiist! The ACTING!

I'm guessing this may not be the general consensus, but I can't help it...

This was a really, really good movie.
I knew nothing about this film...we just decided to watch it for something to watch. The title made me think it was gonna be a goofy comedy, and we were kinda in a goofy comedy mood. If I knew it was gonna be in that mockumentary style I probably would've passed. That worked, I know, for TV shows like The Office and Modern Family, but I wouldn't have thought it would work for a film.

I would have been wrong.

I'm probably not the demographic they are going after...I'm an old white atheist guy...but I do enjoy good theatre. The story was not at all what I expected, and the acting was incredible...EVERYONE, from the leads to the supporting actors...and this film was very, very well done all around.


Heck yeah----the whole thing about this film is that it's a little more than a mockumentary----it's funny, but it's also a dark, realistic view at certain types of people within the AA (African-American) church community. Having grown up in one, I can say that it's pretty realistic, which made it even funnier to me when the funny things started happening. It's not just a straight-up comedy, though, which is what made it even more interesting to me. I saw it in the theatre, and enjoyed it, too. The good acting by the cast is definitely what holds this film together.

Here's a review of the film from the film review podcast The Micheaux Mission, in which the two hosts discuss in a real fun way what they did and didn't like about the film:


Thanks, nufsaid. I just downloaded it and will give a listen tomorrow.

And just revisiting this board kinda makes me want to watch it again.
