I have decided the SPECIAL of the main characters
The Ghoul: Is a high Agility character, lots of AP, uses pistols which is the weapon of choice of high agility characters. I would put his agility at a 9 or 10.
Maximus: Is a high Endurance character, takes a good beating. His Intelligence and Charisma are quite low since he hasn't been able to pass a single speech check. I would put his INT and CHA at 4 but his END is an 8.
Lucy: High Charisma character, tries to speedrun without any combat and also is very lucky always finds help in the nick of time. I would put her CHA at about an 8 and her Luck at a 7.
Norm: Is an Intelligence character, being able to Hack all Terminals. Solid 9 INT, of course this comes at a price as his END and STR is at about 3 and a 2 respectively.