MovieChat Forums > Scream 4 (2011) Discussion > What if Jill wasn't the killer...

What if Jill wasn't the killer...

Rewatching the movie I started wondering what if in the end it wasn't kill who was the killer. What if she really was the main victim in a new spree and the new 2.0 final girl to the scream series, replacing Sidney as our series' main heroine- how would you all had felt about that? Sidney wouldn't have to die but she wouldn't be the focus on the films anymore.

Idk how I'd feel but I'd probably be okay with it seeing as how that was my expectation throughout the whole film and thought it would've been a cool way to continue the series


This movie would be 100% less interesting. In addition, the only thing that stood out about Jill is the fact that she's the killer and her motive. She doesn't even have a personality before that. She just exists with her doe-eyed blank face, whining here and there about Trevor. That's our Sidney replacement? No thanks.


You have a good point but I would hope that if she wasn't the killer they would've given her some better characterization. And lol if Jill wasn't the killer and was the new final girl I was hoping Kirby would survive and become a new regular as well for the new trio


I liked her better than Kirby who was obnoxious throughout the entire movie.



Well, you're in the minority on that one.



Given that they clearly couldn't think of anything new for the original cast to do, this probably would be better.

The problem with the film is they aimed it at old fans but waited so long that audience had already moved on.

I don't give a f*@K about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


Jill being the killer is basically the whole purpose of the movie and it would have sucked if she wasn't the killer. Imagine if we got Trevor or (ugh) Judy as a killer over Jill? No thanks. Emma did great and she was the reason this movie didn't suck.



You might want to take that out of the thread title. Spoilers and that.


If that the was the case then this film would've just been a setup for a new generation and nothing more. I remember they announced this film would be made, early reports of this suggested that would happen and even suggesting this film would focus more on the new characters while Sidney, Gale and Dewey would be supporting characters. And seeing the film, It seemed like that would be true. So Jill being the killer is what this film awesome, since a lot of viewers thought she would be the new heroine which was her motivation all along. And it allowed our trio to shine as the heroes again.


I heard the original plan was for Jill to be revealed as the mastermind in Scream 6. I wonder if that was true?



I wonder that myself too. I would've liked to see Jill and Sydney make it to the end together, but I don't see them ever killing off Sydney. I have a like/hate towards Jill being on of the killers. I felt it just rehashed Roman from Scream 3. But if it were a random who was killing and had no connection to Sydney, would be disappointing too. But again there were so many past ideas of the series I read. I think Stu was planned to come back at one point; a group of Stab fans ended up being the killers. Charlie and Trevor being the killers, would've been too much of a yawn, because it was already done.

I like both Scream 3 and Scream 4, but the majority of the film to me is focused more on comedy rather than horror. Sure, it's gory, but when I saw Scream 4 in the theater it was all laughs. Jill's reveal too. Emma Roberts plays a good bitch (Scream Queens) but as a killer, it's iffy. When she said, "This is just silly" I always think, yeah it is.


I actually thought this was the direction they were going, so the reveal surprised me. I'm glad they went the route they did.

That being said, it would not surprise me at all to hear of a Scream 5 in the works if the Weinsteins think they can make some money. It would miss Craven's horror brilliance, but if they got a Williamson script that they didn't rewrite, it could work. And it was never confirmed that Kirby died and Wes hinted she could be back, so that could be the continuing character. And it would be a slightly different angle - a survivor who wasn't meant to survive and becomes the focus.
