Usually B-movies are right up my alley. This movie however served no real purpose. It brought nothing new to the genre. I didn't care about the killer. The married couple. The Sheriff. Not one of them was likable. The gore/zombie fx were poor. The Story was paper thin to almost non-existent. I've seen much worse, but for a zombie/slasher film, this one was just flat out balls.
Thank god for Netflix. Anyone who pays good money for this, I feel sorry for.
Huh, I and the person I saw this with both thought it was pretty good for a low budget horror/comedy. It had some truly funny moments that had us howling, although yeah the zombie FX weren't great. And the set up and name alone should tell you what kind of movie you're in for.
But for a first time low budget horror/comedy, it was pretty good we thought. Way worse out there with bigger budgets and stars, Tron 2 anyone?
"Did you mean for all those words to come out like that or did they just fall out randomly?"-H.H.
You pretty much hit the nail right on the head, there.
Normally I can enjoy low budget B-movies but this one was way more boring than a movie called DIE-ner should ever be. It had annoying pointless flashback scenes that only served as obvious padding and contributed nothing to the plot, having no business being there in the first place. Huge lapses in logic were everywhere in this movie (like why didn't they just kill the murderer or shoot the zombies in the head? I mean really now...) there weren't really a whole lot of zombies until the end and there wasn't really as much gore as the IMDb synopsis would lead you to believe. Like...okay, we see a lot of blood and some murders, but we don't really see any guts until the end of the movie. The cop characters were kinda likable I guess and the only guys I really somewhat cared for, but one of them was dying throughout the whole movie and the other died immediately after he appeared on screen.
The only thing I really liked about this movie was how casual the killer was, how he just mentioned murdering people like it was just his daily routine, him calling another character a PEN-15 got a laugh out of me and the "rope and tape bag" line had pretty amusing delivery since he said it as if nothing was out of the ordinary about it. That said though, he was a douche and he did deserve to die, but I really did like the way the actor portrayed him. Ken's probably the first guy I can call a likable douche. I haven't really seen a character like him before. I hope he acts in more stuff, I really do.
Other than that though, the rest of the movie was pretty boring and unremarkable, probably not the worst movie I've ever seen, but it DEFINITELY could have been better or at least more entertaining. If anyone else liked it, then I won't hold it against them...y'know good for you if you liked it but overall this movie didn't really do anything for me.
Sad too, I was expecting at least some campy entertainment out of a movie called DIE-ner.
I didn't really laugh that much, nor was I particularly scared at any point but nonetheless I found this surprisingly entertaining. I think A LOT of that had to with the lead actor (Grothe?) who had lots of screen presence and likability despite being a cruel serial killer -- he's kind of a cross between Edward Norton and Nathan Fillion). The arguing couple was all right, maybe a little annoying. I liked the waitress' monologue at the start; she seemed like a good actor in a very small role.
The movie is novel in how mixes serial killer and zombie genres of horror. It's a cute idea although the film is clearly hampered by having such a tiny budget. As someone else said, there are WAY, WAY worse movies out there with 100x the money and big names (Pirates of the Caribbean comes to mind). I tuned this in as a fall-asleep movie but found myself struggling to stay awake because I actually wanted to see how it ended.
I agree that the flashbacks were bothersome since they didn't seem to be about anything, but maybe that was a joke -- spoofing "flashback" use to explain the story or add insight. If so, it didn't quite work but would be a funny idea. And maybe I nodded off and missed the explanation, but I'm not sure why at the end suddenly there were zombies everywhere... did he kill ALL those people?
Meh, all in all it's not bad when it taken on it's own terms.
Thought it was great for an independent horror film. The main actor did a great job. Not surprised it wasn't received well being on Netflix and all.
I don't buy the people above saying, "I usually like independent horror film, but this brought nothing new". What independent,or any horror film outside of very few brings real* originality. We don't watch horror films for their originality. If you do, you will be constantly let down and shouldn't bother with horror.
This was fairly as original as it gets for independent horror. A serial killer/slasher/zombie film. There aren't too many of those out there that I know of and I have seen everything.
I accept the flashback scenes as a time of innocence. I liked it. Child purity... a loving mother playing hide and seek. Tender moments in contrast to the debauchery of the film.
Did any one see the Diner of the Living Dead from Saturday Night live in the late 70s? Early 80s? That was fun.