Once you realize that more people died in the USA in 2018 than in 2020, the picture comes clear. CONvid is a hoax, all countries are using it for an excuse to implement more control over their people, and usher in the great reset.
100% true! However if you question CONVID you are blocked or banned. Even google have amended their CONVID search results now. The death rate is 0.3% world wide. This is a hostile takeover. People need to wake up. Its all a scam.
Usually, I let clearly ridiculous posts skid on past. But this is so startlingly idiotic, and such a dangerous bit of misinformation, I'm compelled to squash it. Briefly: you are Absolutely Wrong. The assertion that there were more deaths in 2018 is flatly incorrect, and the lunacy about a "great reset" and some global conspiracy is absurd.
Wow, well let me tell ya "Goliard": You CONvid believers are some of the dumbest people I've ever come across. You sheep were sorta cute a first, but now that you're trying to self police us into limiting our fresh air, and subjecting us to unnecessary medical procedures, you seriously all need put down in a civil war. NO ONE forces me into covering my airways, AND NO ONE forces me to take poison shots into my bloodstream. That especially goes for mental midgets who watch too much MSM, and literally have their finger up their ass worshiping the very obvious corrupt government and medical establishment all day long. Guess what genius? You can take your new abnormal, anti-social distancing, contact tracing, loser lockdown, medical mask wearing idiotic ass out of here!!! If you fuckers refuse to get your boot off my neck, be prepared to be dealt with in the harshest way possible. THAT IS A PROMISE! Do you hear me buttplugger?! Now run along, and mind your own business because if you don't, it's going to really start affecting your health WAY MORE than your fictitious boogie-man disease!
Sorry. . .couldn't hear you over the sound of your hamster scurrying. You need to feed him better; your mental flywheel isn't spinning Nearly fast enough.
Your rambling diatribe isn't even amusing; you idiots who are incapable of grasping basic science have become tiresome, rather than funny. It's way past the point where we could laugh at you and keep it moving: there's a Pandemic, you see. A couple million deaths later, you can stick your fingers in your ears and babble about conspiracies/personal freedoms all you like, but it doesn't just affect Your dumbass, anymore. Unfortunately, we're all in this together.
So: like I said. . .usually I just ignore you idiots. But these are dire times. So your lunacy has to at least be addressed. Note: I'm not interested in changing your mind. Clearly, facts & logic aren't your thing. This is strictly a public service announcement.
So *you* can run along. And like I said: DON'T breed. We don't need any more of you.
Look here "Goliard". Why don't you back the fuck up, and keep lapping up the lies that the broken record news spews in your face while you suck on your unsanitary spit covered face diaper. Most of the deaths recorded as "CONvid" were from other co-morbidities, and the CDC even admitted this on their own website! I know someone died from a heart attack, and their death certificate was marked as CONvid. That is ridiculous! The hospitals get more federal funding if they mark someone as dying from CONvid. So, they have INCENTIVE to lie! Follow the money you retard! Some hospitals are getting up to $51,000 per CONvid death! Another person I know died from a motorcycle accident, and they were also marked as CONvid. So, if you erase all these scamtard death counts, and then realize that 96% of marked deaths from CONvid also had 2+ co-morbidities, that puts your death count at like 6,000. And, waaaay more people than that die from the flu every year. Do we lock down a trillion dollar economy, and force face masks on everyone over the flu every year? Why don't you get your head out of your ass, and wake the fuck up sheep? Are you fucking that stupid that you believe the news stations caught lying over and over, and the corrupt medical establishment that dumps oxycontin on the public for profit? Wow, no wonder we're living out the movie Idiocracy with morons like you breeding waaaay to much, popping out 4+ kids each retarded ass family, filling up the roads with people sucking spit all day driving around alone in their car with their slave masks. Fuck you, and your whole family tree you retarded medical mask wearing SOB!
Again, literally NOTHING you're saying is true. The "co-morbidity" nonsense you're spouting; the CDC "admissions," the funding "scam". . .NONE of it. To suggest that doctors across the country are falsifying results for financial gain is grotesque and without Any Factual Evidence. To claim there is NOT a worldwide pandemic that is killing people is simply absurd. And to try to tie simple preventive measures to some sort of attack on your freedom is ridiculous in the extreme. You can continue to parrot (easily disproven) talking points, but all you're doing is making yourself look more and more stupid.
Ignorance, paucity of intelligence, misinformation, inability to process information logically. . .yep, you tick all the boxes. Please please PLEASE do not breed. The hospitals have many people just like you, who catch this virus and go to their deaths raving that it's all a hoax. I wish no ill to Anyone. . .but it's hard to feel anything but relief at the improvement to the gene pool.
Let me tell you ALL about your friend the doctor. The doctor that jumps to prescribe amphetamine adhd drugs to 7th grade kids that are just hyper because they need to get outside more. The same doctor that got my mom on anti-depressants without even recommending diet change or some exercise instead. Doctors that do not have any nutritional training, and just jump straight to some pharma pill solution because if they sell a certain amount, the pharma rep gives them a vacation to the Bahamas. Doctors that convince parents to circumcise, and then the hospital sells that foreskin out the backdoor to the moisturizer industry! Next, your dumbed down sheep arse will be telling me the moisturizer industry is too big to fail, so i have to stand by why so-called do-no-harm healers damage us right before our eyes! Do you really believe the human body is flawed, and we need to chop off the most sensitive part of the male sexual anatomy? We can go on pretending that doctors are some saints in white coats, or just realize they are a product of big pharma, and are merely extensions of a profits before people industry.
At some point, you've been Horribly hurt and disappointed. Maybe multiple times. Now you're angry.
Good news: *Everybody* isn't out to get you. Of COURSE there are bad people out there. There are bad doctors, cops who abuse their authority, crooked politicians, sociopaths of every stripe. But (I firmly believe) *Most* cops are essentially good guys. Most doctors aren't just in it for a buck. Most politicians. . .
Okay. Politicians suck.
And there are all kinds of evil nutters out there. But there are MORE OF US. So it's a mistake to take your personal experiences and layer them on top of the entire human race.
All of which is to say: If a Consensus of intelligent people, AND empirical evidence, AND the scientific method all tell you that there's a very dangerous, New virus out there killing people, and we need to do some fairly simple things to protect ourselves. . .then we should do some fairly simple things, and protect ourselves. Collectively. Because It Doesn't Work, Otherwise.
I'll go ahead and apologize for the personal attacks. My mea culpa includes the scary times we're in, the unprecedented global crisis point we're at, and native impatience with science denial.
A friend tested positive last week. Was tested again at his request – tested negative. Was tested again – negative.
I wonder how many false positives there are out there. My friend had a runny nose.
False positives and negatives are an inherent part of all medical tests. The false negatives are by far the most dangerous.
The world ain’t perfect, folks.
PS We have like half-a-dozen posters on here who claim to be doctors, MisterDoctor, doctor13, etc. Why the fuck aren’t they on this topic, hmmmmm? Calling Dr. Quack! Dr. Quack to the ICU STAT!