... meh
Had some fun moments, but a pale comparison to the original. The characters' motives are less clear, and they switch loyalties on a dime. Feels like a teen drama. "Wait, are these people getting along this scene or not?" And I couldn't care less that the two main characters didn't kiss. I'm just not invested in any romantic angle here, yet they hint at a love triangle like this is going to become Twilight, Team Tyler or Team Javi. Even though it's clear who she's already picked. Also like Bella in Twilight, the protagonist here seems to be special for absolutely no reason other than that she's special. She's like the Tornado Whisperer or something, stands in a light breeze and has a psychic flash about when and where one will hit? Sure Jan. The special effects were good but also felt restrained somehow, I never felt like it fully let loose. Also annoyed because really all of the characters were annoying youtube caricatures who put themselves in bad situations then acted surprised to find themselves there. And the motives for moving around were so thin. "We need to get to that town to help the people! The people!" Tornados are unpredictable, you can't be certain it's going to town. The small Midwest town full of people who have lived there their whole lives and know what to do in case of a tornado. Thank goodness you were there to scream at them to find shelter and run around looking for a basement where there wasn't one, very helpful lmao