MovieChat Forums > Exam (2010) Discussion > Spoil your paper fail

Spoil your paper fail

The ones who wet their paper could(should?) have been disqualifed bc whos to say that wasnt ruining their paper? What about when WHite folds his paper in half and puts it in his jacket pocket? That could also be seen as spoiling.

Point is, since theres so much grey area, the movie fails bc you dont know the rules. "There are no rules but ours." Ok, great, can I get a copy of those? What am I supposed to do, wet/fold my paper and see if the guard makes a move over to me? By then it's too late. This movie tries too hard, and fails.


I thought the same about the water part but I just thought it's what the invigilator wanted to happen or had planned would happen so he let it go, like most of the stuff that happened in this movie.

The folding of the paper though? When was this? Right before they got that one other piece of paper burnt?

I agree though, I think the movie does try a bit too hard at some points but for an indie UK there are worse.


I guess it basically means life is a bitch and we won't tell you all "of our rules".

I don't get how writing on a piece of paper is "spoiling it" but getting it wet isn't. Or even if someone else spoils your paper, you still got your paper spoiled and you would be disqualified.

I expected a kind of "capture the flag" style shootout happening where everyone tries to ruin the paper of the others.


I understood that if you spoiled your own paper, you were disqualified. They never really experimented with spoiling each others, except for the girl who wrote on hers. And of course she was already out.


I agree with lamensterms - I thought it was only if you spoiled your own paper, and the pieces of paper experimented on was the first chick to be removed. I think "spoiled" was such a unique term and gave it a skew that put everyone on the defensive.

Merovingian Goddess
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


Brunette was evicted after White spoilt her paper.

There were three of us in this marriage


From memory, Brunette lit her own paper on fire. She spoiled her paper by burning it.


Actually, I think you might be right. White gave her the paper to set the alarm off?

There were three of us in this marriage


Yeah, i think she thought she was burning Chinese Girl's paper. But ol' whitey tricked her.


There was no folding of the paper, he took one half of the first girl's paper and hid it in his pocket, pretending he was giving her the experimental paper. I wouldn't think he'd sacrifice his own paper.

And the water probably didn't spoil the paper, considering "Question 1." wasn't written in ink, it appeared to be pressed into the paper. They wouldn't know that, of course, but they probably thought it was worth the risk if there was indeed developing fluid in the sprinkler system. And you can still write on a wet paper with a pencil, but there was no need for the paper anyway, because it was only a distraction.

I could agree there might have been some gray area, but I don't think you point out any valid reasons to claim the movie tries too hard, or that it "fails".


Technically Brunette wet everyone's paper (but hers...), so even if water was an issue it wouldn't matter...



Only one caused the sprinklers to go off So she spoiled the papers and no-one else.

It's the same as when white gets deaf to eat his paper.
Yes he egged him on but like white said no-one had to listen to him or follow him just like brunette or dark, I forget which, didn't have to accept the piece of paper that was lit to set of the sprinklers
