
Why'd the girl already have so many papercuts in the same place Brown was going to cut her? Coincidence?

I immediately thought they'd all been through this before, just having their memories reset each time to see if it plays out differently. That would explain the cuts. But it didn't turn out to be the case.

So my other thought was that they were in on it, working for the company. She does mention she works for them. Maybe Brown does too?


I think he mentions something to her about her cutting herself where no one could see. Eluding to the fact she had emotional issues and was a cutter. Definitely confusing though.


either that OR the situation had been played before (which would also explain the cut to the ceo's eye) i have a feeling they left quite a bit of the story out of the movie for some reason or other


They weren't paper cuts. They were obviously self-inflicted. She had emotional issues, and cut herself to make herself feel better. The cuts had nothing to do with the group, and definitely were not created from reset memories.


Agreed, she had underlying emotional issues.


I feel like even as a little kid I would have understood the implication and irony there. I blame the parents.
