MovieChat Forums > Exam (2010) Discussion > Some analysis points (Spoilers)

Some analysis points (Spoilers)

- If the glasses were prescription lenses, then Blonde would not be able to see through them. This would only make sense if they were magnified lenses.

- Unless the magic bullet was biodegradable, wouldn't the bullet casing remain inside the body?


really? have you ever tried to look through someone else's glasses? because you can still see. things might be blurry or magnified - depends on the prescription (near vs far sighted, astigmatism, etc).

as for the bullet casing, the movie takes place in a parallel universe, where bullet casings dissolve.


You obviously don't know much about weapons. Only the bullet strikes the target. The casing is ejected from the weapon. Duh.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


The same people who have no idea about guns want to take them from us.
