MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass (2010) Discussion > Worst movie of 2010.. if not the decade.

Worst movie of 2010.. if not the decade.

I just felt like it needed to be said considering how EXTREMELY OVERRATED this movie is.
And I know that a lot of you agrees with me.


And I know that a lot of you agrees with me.

LOL. No they don't.


There are heaps worse movies that came out in the past decade, so he's wrong about that. There are some terrible ones that came out in 2010 so he's wrong about that too. But, Kick-Ass is not a good movie by a long shot.


Good movie? No.
Great action movie? Hell yeah.

But then again, what action films are actually good by film standards. You can't judge a movie like this on film standard. It's a goddamn action movie! It's going to have a thin plot, overly gratuitous action, and a lot of swearing! That's the point! It's to *beep* ENTERTAIN!

Just because you're too stupid to understand it, doesn't mean it's a plot hole


Good movie? No.
Great action movie? Hell yeah.

But then again, what action films are actually good by film standards. You can't judge a movie like this on film standard. It's a goddamn action movie! It's going to have a thin plot, overly gratuitous action, and a lot of swearing! That's the point! It's to *beep* ENTERTAIN!

^^This sums it up well for me.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


The fact that some action movies are good enough to be judged on their craft invalidates your point.

Later that day, after tea... I died, suddenly.


LoL. No we do.


You could help your case by giving some reasons why you think it's the worst of the decade, instead of just saying so.

Where are these other people who agree with this?


Your right, this movie isnt terrible, it isnt bad, it isnt normal, its just a good movie, i really liked it, i tought it was very creative, the only thing i tought was that the ending was too extreme...

Next time please explain why you think is bad, cause many many people do not think like you, you gotta convince me...


I'm not American nor a teenager so I'm probably not the target demographic. IMO there was too much teen angst for it to make a good action film, humour was okay in places but not great, violence was somewhere between gritty and comedy which didn't really work for me. It's not an 8/10 movie, not by a long way; I give it a 6.

And this waste of time is why there should be a separator before the signature.


premise is completely unbelievable, if the acting was sub-par it would be an amazing improvement, feels like it was directed by a 10 year old with "issues", panders to an extremely small group of movie goers (insert yourself in that group please), the list would take up too much time ad nauseum...

you really don't get it do you...scientists are right, the human brain doesn't fully mature until age 25...



this movie ricks!

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


This movie does indeed Rick.



your spelling sicks!


I just felt like it needed to be said that it's impossible to take your opinion seriously. Overrated? Yes. Worst movie of 2010/decade? Not f'n half.

Who busts the Crimebusters?


Okay then why do you think its so great? Do you actually think it deserves 7.9 rating considering how many (better) movies have the same or even lower rating?
I don't understand, is it acting? Or the plot? Underage girl swearing? Nicolas Cage...?
I mean really..
Nevertheless you guys at least convinced me to watch this movie again.


I found the movie entertaining in that it had an original plot that hasn't been done too much and had a decent amount of action in it but what really made me love this movie was the message it had. It is so true how bystanders and people around witness crimes happening all around them and don't do anything about it. Rarely does anybody stand up for another person these days. A couple of guys tried to mug my friend on a bus full of people and nobody even said anything as he ended up getting in a fight with both of them. The bus driver just stopped and waited for someone to get off lol.


It's all opinions, but I thoroughly enjoyed Kick-Ass. It exhilarated me and not many movies do that to me these days.

Great childish adult fun. FUN!


I don't understand it, you all fell for the troll OP's ploy. Guess who's laughing?

"You know, my name..."


You found it amusing at the idea of your friend getting mugged?


You are the one that said it was the worst movie of 2010 if not the decade. So YOU need to justify why it is so bad. Having us say what is good about it isn't a defense of your claim. Had you simply said the movie was overrated then yes, you could get away with getting us to tell you why it was good. However you are effectively saying Kick Ass is WORSE than Bucky Larson Born to be a Star. That is a pretty bold claim.


Game. Set. Muntt.



Stop with the worst movie threads just makes you look like an idiot..nearly every film has this thread does my head in.


this movie was entertaining, very much so.
i think it was one of the best movies in 2010, at least in terms of fun/ticket value.
i liked it more than kill bills and that's the genre it is in.


It was 8,3.

I have not even watched it yet, the name alone put me off...

A lot of people loved 'Ghost', i think it is socring 6.9 now.

Titanic scoring 7.5 or something. I think Avatar scoring 8.

So millions and millions went watch those movies and hating it in the end.

Really, I just cannot take viewer's view seriously.

Just watch the movies and try to find the ones that entertained you...


Not thinking a movie is the worst film out of the hundreds of thousands or maybe one million plus films made in that decade does not equate to thinking it's "great".

You're entitled to your opinion but when your opinion is that there was literally nothing nameable worse from 2000-2010 you should expect strong resistance to your opinion. You should expect strong resistance from people who absolutely hated the movie in fact.


Yeah, exactly. I feel that The Departed is one of the most overrated movies ever, but it certainly isn't the worst movie of the year in which it was released. The trolling OP perhaps saw only 1 movie in 2010 or is just trolling for kicks.

Not everyone should be entitled to express an opinion.


He's also saying that this is nic cage's worst movie. F^ck off. This movie is amazing i was devastated when Big Daddy died. Wish he was my dad.


Rewatching, I hated that Big Daddy died 
So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.




More proof that art cannot be measured or ranked. We each see it as individuals.

Proud member of the Facebook Let Me In group,, and DoYouLikeMe.proboards


"Worst movie of 2010.. if not the decade." I raise you a "Jack and a Jill"

"Im afraid i just blue myself"


2010 is part of the decade that started in 2001. Decades go from 1 - 10, not 0 - 9, so Jack and Jill is actually the worst film of this CURRENT decade, which is still very young.


Way to be pretentious. I'm sure the OP was speaking from the same enlightened perspective as yours.


If you wanted to be even more pretentious, you would know that many 'Best Of' lists are constructed in '''2 year, so in movie land a decade in movie land ends in the '''1 year.


No they don't. What universe do you live in?

Decades go from 0-9.

1920 is part of the decade known as the '20's.

1960 is part of the decade known as the '60's.

The year 2000 is NOT part of the 1990's.

PS. Kick-Ass kicked ass.

Something is wrong with your brain.


Technically you are wrong, but by public opinion you are probably correct...

The reason I say that is because most people will agree with you


As there was no year number 0 AD, the first year ever was year 1 AD and therefore the decade runs from 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 etc....

As I was saying, by public opinion you are probably correct, but technically you are wrong...

When everyone celebrated 'the end of the millennium' when the year ticked over from 1999 to 2000, they were technically a year early - they were celebrating it purely because it was a change in all the numbers... The millennium actually ended at the end of the year 2000....

But lets not let facts get in the way of a good story...


Nope, I'm correct.

Why? Because I'm not talking about millenniums. I'm talking about numerical series. It's a little something we call the decimal system.

In the decimal system, there is a new column for the tens, a new column for the hundreds etc....

The decimal system starts at 0.

So when you turn 20 years old, you start the decade of life known as your 'twenties'. That series runs from 20 to 29 and ends when it clicks over to 30.

Coincidentally, your 90's end when you click over and become 100 years old. A new column is started. That's how the decimal system works.

Just because there is no zero year, does not mean that subsequent years do not follow normal numerical patterns.

The idea of the milennium is different. People that argue that the new millenium did not begin when the top colum was reset are following a different method of calculation. There is a case for this with certain definitions. I don't personally agree with those definitions though, so I'm not going to argue in their favor.

Remember, the Chinese start ages at 1, whereas in the west, we start ages at 0. However, in BOTH cases, when the person becomes 20 years old, we call this the start of their 'twenties'.

The start point does not define the numerical system. The numerical system defines the numerical system and is not related to the start point.

It doesn't work this way. In the same way, months don't have a specific standard length, but when there is a new month, the month begins when the month changes.

You do not wait a day because the previous month started at 1, not 0. That would be moronic.

As the saying goes... there are 10 types of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


eschelar, you're wrong. You really need to go back and do basic maths... so wrong it hurts.


Well that's funny. I put up specific reasons as to why it is correct that are based on real mathematics, but your response was completely devoid of any mathematics, just a bit of an insult.

Here is your basic maths:
These are the columns.

A= Hundred thousands
B = Ten thousands
C = Thousands
D = Hundreds
E = Tens
F = Ones

0-9 = less than 10.

Adding one to the next column over indicates increasing to a new series of numbers (ie 10-19, then 20-29).

These are basic maths.

They are correct.

Your reasoning however states that because there was no 0 year, the first millennium started on the year 1, therefore subsequent millenniums also start from 1. This is incorrect for basic maths, but does follow AN accepted pattern used by many. However, that does not mean that decades also follow the same pattern.

1960 belongs to the set of the 60's, not the 50's. It should not take a lengthy and detailed explanation to show you that.

If I was 30 years old and I said to someone I was in my twenties, they would call me asinine. Likewise, if I was born in 1980 and I said to someone I was born in the seventies, people would think I had been drinking too much special koolaid.

You are misinterpreting the difference between an ORDINAL number and a CARDINAL number. When we refer to the 21st Century, we are using an ORDINAL. When we refer to the '60's, we are using a CARDINAL to indicate the number series.

The 21st century is counted from a starting point of 1, therefore the century begins in 2001. However, the 2000's started in 2000, just as the 1990's started in 1990.

This concept is confused by many people, especially when talking about the 'new millennium' and the beginning of the 21st century.

While it is technically correct for the ordinal counting of centuries, it is debatable with the use of millenniums because the millenniums are not being referred to as either ordinal or cardinal. Simple that it is the beginning of a new set. If you wish to set the beginning of a millennium according to basic maths, you can start from 0 (as I choose to do) or you can start from 1 (as some choose to do).

While it is true that there was no 0 year, there IS a year 1000 and there IS a year 2000. So the decision about when to start a NEW millennium lies with the person speaking.

On the other hand, decades do not follow the same rule. It is most sensible to use a decade to include all the numbers within a set of 10, where the tens column indicates the included numbers. This is most sensible with 'basic maths' and is most commonly used and accepted.

If you would like to do more research, check it out here:

So wrong it hurts. Oh yeah, I'm hurting real bad. Maybe I'll go off and have a little cry now.



The fact that there is a year 1000,2000 or 3000 is completely devoid of what you're vainly trying to prove.

What the original comment was, before you...really bastardised and subverted reality, is that each century finished on a 0 year, and it does, and starts on a 1.

20th Century finished with 2000 and 21st century started with 2001. Now, you can deny this all you want, but it's how it is. It's reality. It's how it's been done since... well... time and dates have been taken down?

Have all the badly sorted equations you want, and believe me they are bad, I don't need to justify why, but they are. But again, yes, you're wrong.


So apparently your learning problems are not limited to math, you also have trouble with reading. My original comment to you was related to this little nugget of error: "2010 is part of the decade that started in 2001. Decades go from 1 - 10, not 0 - 9, so Jack and Jill is actually the worst film of this CURRENT decade, which is still very young."

Decades can start at any point and end at any point when you are referring to a period of time as 'A decade', but in this case, the original poster was referring do "The decade". This indicates the use of a commonly accepted definition of a decade. You say it goes from 1-10, but I disagree. So does Wikipedia.

#1 - the original comment we are talking about is the name of this thread - worst movie of 2010... if not the decade. He is not talking about a century, he is talking about a decade.

#2 - comments I made about a year 1000 or 2000 are related to discussion of milleniums, which is directly related to the time when popular knowledge became aware of the curiosity that the 21st century began in 2001, not 2000.

#3 - the word 'devoid' doesn't mean what you think it means

#4 - The 20th Century finished with 2000 and the next century started in 2001. This is specifically what I stated in my post. I did not deny it anywhere. In fact, I explained the way that works and the reason that it works that way - specifically because we are talking about ORDINAL numbers, which begin a series at a set starting point (in this case at 1). This does not apply to commonly accepted 'decades' as I pointed out. Commonly accepted decades typically run from 0-9. See the link to the wikipedia article. Decades do not follow the same pattern as ordinal centuries because they are not ordinal, they are referring to the SET of numbers.

#5 - Badly sorted equations? give me a break man. If you want to tell me that I mislabeled the columns, then tell me how I got it wrong. The ones column is the ones column. That's what it shows and it is correct.

I feel like a 3 year old is trying to teach me about math and explain to me why 2+2 = 5 and 5+5 = 11.

I'd sure like to see some actual facts next time.

I assure you, I'm not wrong here. And I have shown you why.


lol i gotta say that its pretty hilarious that a conversation about kick ass being the worst of the decade degraded into an argument about labeling dates.

whew, only on the internet.


Even weirder - the original commenter changed accounts several times, although always taking the same argument.

Nothing like a good row over nonsense that matters to nobody. :)


BrokenDreamer, you're a moron and dead wrong.

I met Cinderella once... she's actually kind of a bitch.


So you're telling me that 1990 was not part of the '90s? That 1960 was not part of the '60s? That 1980 was not part of the '80s? And so on?

I am Bizarro Saints!


1990 was not in the same decade as 1991.

The first year was 1 therefore the very first decade was years 1-10.
