MovieChat Forums > Serena (2015) Discussion > Trailer image question

Trailer image question

Didn't read the book, don't have a copy of the script, already have heard what the basics of the ending are -- but have a question about one image in the trailer that just had me wondering exactly what was going on in the scene depicted. Bradley Cooper is beat up and bloodied, laying on his side, on a gurney, facing Jennifer Lawrence so he can hold her hand as she lays, seemingly naked on a second gurney, and it appears one of them is giving a transfusion of blood to the other. Here's where I have questions -
1 - Who is getting the transfusion? Cooper is bloodied but why would Lawrence have to get naked (or even close to it and covered with a sheet) to give him a transfusion?
2 - Is it just me, or does she look like she's supposed to be pregnant, the way her hand is cradling her belly? It could just be that if the shot were a second longer, she'd fist her hand in the blanket, but I wondered if it was an intentional misleading or there's something I've missed in synopsises of the movie.
3 - If he's giving her the transfusion, what happened to her for her to need one, cause she doesn't appear to have a mark on her, no dark circles under her eyes, and her hair looked pretty clean/ok, while he looks like he was attacked by a bear or beat up by three angry guys in a barfight.

Thanks, in advance!

"There is still hope." - Arwen


I didn't read the book either, but I know what happens in it (having read discussions, etc)…

Don't quote me on this. Also possible spoilers:

She has a late term miscarriage/stillbirth (eventually resulting in infertility). Before that she had complained of pain and feared something was wrong. Apparently her doctor is a quack and/or passed it off as nothing important. Again, I didn't read the book. So I imagine what's going on here is some kind of experiment to save her baby.

Haven't read the script either, so I can't relate it to any specific scene. It's possible this was a scene filmed and then cut. Often teaser trailers use footage not included in the finished film.

That's my best guess.


Thank you, disappearingink! That is helpful, I had just wondered what the deal was with her hand placement and such in that scene. I figure I'm going to watch it, cause that is a time period that fascinates me, plus my best friend is a huge Bradley Cooper fan, so I'd get dragged to see it even if I wasn't already interested. ;)

But thank you!

And yes, it does seem like the doctor is a nut to not-listen to a mother's intuation. And it i a shame how some good stuff is used to lure you into seeing the movie, only to find it had been cut from the movie.

"There is still hope." - Arwen


possible spoilery info

In the book the character is "Dr. Cheney". That loss she suffers is pretty important to the story, so this scene (or a related scene) has to make it in the final cut. I'm pretty sure Conleth Hill is playing the doctor. He's not listed in the cast on the main page here, but he's been mentioned in reviews. It's also listed on his personal site.

The synopses provided so far are extremely vague, and don't always mention her infertility, let alone what led to it…so it's understandable that an image like that would be confusing in the trailer.

Of course I'm just assuming they will follow the book. Who knows how the film version will approach it.


Hasn't anybody on the board actually seen the movie.

Firstly, JL is getting a transfusion from BC because she has miscarried her baby and lost a lot of blood. BC is bloodied because he has had to carry his wife on the way and into the hospital. She was partly clothed because she was taken into hospital wearing only her slip.

Secondly, she was pregnant and miscarried and see above.

Thirdly, see above.
