I loved this film
It just reinforces how clueless the PTB are in hollyweird.
Pictures like this require actors. People who have actually studied the craft of acting rather than being picked off the street because they are cute/blond/have amazing frontage/whatever.
This film was a testament to the lack of acting skill of these two actors. For everyone who said it was boring, it was boring because you were watching two people who the sum total of their skill is for Mr. Cooper, looking stupid and clueless and for Ms. Lawrence who is a bit more skilled because she has TWO things she can do, sullen and silent or loud and abrasive.
This was a nice little film that in the hands of a couple of Australian or UK or even Canadian actors would have been interesting and a great role for whomever played Serena. But to play Serena you have to understand Serena. Ms. Lawrence understands Tiffany. She doesn't understand Serena.
And I like Mr. Cooper and Ms. Lawrence.
I just don't delude myself that they are anything but personalities.