MovieChat Forums > Serena (2015) Discussion > Panther vs. Mountain Lion

Panther vs. Mountain Lion

Bradley Cooper really wants to kill a panther, as explained in an early scene and periodically mentioned throughout the film. In the final hunt scene…. I'm sorry, did the film maker think that was a panther? Because it wasn't. Just one mistake in an ocean of many mistakes, it just tickled me that in the end it wasn't a panther.


The species taxonomically referred to as Puma concoloris is also known as the cougar, mountain lion, puma, panther, and catamount. Panther...or "painter", as it was also sometimes pronounced in rural upper southern dialects...was a common name until around the turn of the century as Puma concoloris became extirpated in the Eastern United States. Mountain Lion and Cougar then spread more in popular usage for the species in reference to the specimens found further west. In the 21st century the Florida Panther, Puma concolor coryi is a subspecies of parent species that is referred to commonly as simply "panther".

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


Bam! Take that. 😅

__________________________ Last watched:


See Panther - picture looks identical. Yes, much debate as to whether this is a separate species from the cougar/mountain lion.
