So they kept talking about this one even in Guatamala they all had in common, but each time Malkovich/Willis/Freeman came into contact with someone from the event they were baffled as to who they were.
Not really sure what you mean. Willis and Freeman were friends, and talked about it, and Malkovich assumes Willis is trying to kill him specifically because of their history. Who were they baffled by?
Freeman wasn't in Guatemala with them, only Malkovich and Willis. Willis just came to Freeman for help on who the WET team was. As far as not recognizing the others that were involved, the event took place like 20 yrs ago, people's look change, I'm sure Willis, Malkovich and Dryfus all had hair and of course younger. I don't think Willis and Malkovich saw anyone in Guatemala besides Dreyfus who gave them the orders to clean up, as far as the pilot, and vp I think they were already gone when Willis and Malkovich came in.
True, and didn't they say that Dreyfus's character was wearing dark glasses? Not that you can't recognize someone in that situation, but that on top of the other changes over the years . . .