MovieChat Forums > RED (2010) Discussion > No chemistry between BW and MLP

No chemistry between BW and MLP

God they were painful to watch. I would have much preferred the movie w/o the romance angle. The Russian and Helen Mirren would have been plenty.


Yeah...while I like both Willis and Parker, they didn't do a lot for me together. I liked each of their characters individually, but I think it would have been a better movie to just concentrate on the R.E.D.'s gettin' back together, etc. I still liked this movie ok, and at least they didn't start kissing until the very end.

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.


I see it in the way that Frank is from the past era, a lonely agent, no bounds no family no kids,and doesn´t realize if a woman likes him. Sarah is a woman in her 40s independent but in a bored job, living her life through novels, and imagining places through the cards that i believe were sending by her clients because she is so gentle. She says to Victoria that she feels good with Frank because they had conversations on the phone and saw him so irreal. I think like a character of her novels or someone she would never meet. I loved they protected to each other, no sex, no explicit romance but clearly they like to each other, and when everything is solved they have the kiss like in the last page of romantic novels.
I hate senseless sex or kisses in the middle of a gunshot or a chasing.
Ivan and Victoria is another situation, because they had a history together and she was an english agent and he was a russian one so their love was forbidden.


Disagree...Just finished it on SHO2 and I thoght they were cute...Good movie too...

