Who Killed Joe?
Who shot Joe as he was coming out of the house? FBI was told to hold fire and it wasn't Victoria.
shareWho shot Joe as he was coming out of the house? FBI was told to hold fire and it wasn't Victoria.
shareit was victoria nd joe didnt die...
shareWait you just confused me. I thought he did die. He wasn't in the rest of the film so if he didn't die where did he go? I was wondering who killed him also.
shareHe does get killed. It was likely just a sniper that Alexander Dunning had in place to take out Frank, when he came out, but Joe went out to take one for the team, to let them escape.
shareHe gets killed but it isn't explained by whom. I always thought that it was someone from the FBI and that turned Cooper around.
shareI'm not sure who killed him but I'm sure Sarah Palin will be blamed.
Well, she likes to kill the defenseless. Even though she didn't, I'm sure she'll take credit for it.
share>>>>>I'm not sure who killed him but I'm sure Sarah Palin will be blamed.<<<<<
Come on. You know the order was handed down 4 years ago from George Bush.
"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." John Wayne
OMG enough w/the George Bush crap - he wasn't even the pres during this movie - it was Obama, who has his Kool-Aid drinking liberal followers - they act like the man can walk on water; right NOW its 2013 and they have so much crap on him, which of course is being "covered", if he was a REAL man he would step down especially as I said they have a lot of "corruption" w/in his administration and of course he's the MAIN problem. Obama WILL destroy the United States because he just doesn't care..... as for Sarah Palin - recently Bill Maher called her son a toddler a retard; its disgusting, yeah pick on Palin she has thick skin but leave her child out of it. There was a comedian who was from Las Vegas (that is where he does his stand-ups) and even he refused to do Maher show; he did however come out and tell Mcaher that what he said about Palin's toddler was uncalled for and that he refused to be his guest; so he walked off. I've been told that this comedian (whose name I don't know is a liberal) at least he had the common sense to walk off the set after he told Maher that calling names about an innocent child was despicable (not exact words he said but you get my point) I guess you can google and find out who this SMART comedian's name is.... GOOD FOR HIM.
She was the one in the helicopter that shot David Morrissey.
shareI wonder what makes you think Joe didn't die? Remember the conversation before they go out the door? Joe introduces the subject of making a hard choice and then he and Moses reminisce over their past, how they'd enjoyed some wild old times. Then they embrace, something men don't do for trivial reasons. They were clearly saying goodbye without putting it into words. After the escape, the remaining team all raise their glasses in a toast to Joe: their collective glum mood says it all. Joe wasn't wounded, he died for their cause.
He didn't fake his death at the nursing home - he killed the guy who came to kill him. I would assume that when Frank rang the home, the hysterical nurse probably said he's gone or he's dead or something but was meaning the other guy was dead.
Karl Urban =
ok maybe he did die but i dont think so...I think Victoria shot him because when she was explaining to the younger lady why she shot the man she loved 3 times and later the man showed Bruce Willis the scars from her story. thats why i think Joe lived and she took the shot.
shareno he sacrificed himself because he is terminally ill anyway, they knew it was a trap..
share>no he sacrificed himself because he is terminally ill anyway, they knew it was a trap..
Exactly. It was not Victoria.
no he sacrificed himself because he is terminally ill anyway, they knew it was a trap..That's what I thought initially. Then I remembered the story about Victoria shooting her love in the chest rather than in the head. If she wanted to, apparently she could place the bullets almost surgically.
I would like to believe that and wait for RED 2. Peace.
Unorthodox Cinema Critic Since 2009.
Number of movies watched: >700
ok maybe he did die but i dont think so...I think Victoria shot him because when she was explaining to the younger lady why she shot the man she loved 3 times and later the man showed Bruce Willis the scars from her story. thats why i think Joe lived and she took the shot.
Uh, they also drank in honor Joe in the immediate scene after Joe's death. If Victoria had faked killing him, I think she would have let the group in on it at that time.
Victoria knew where to shoot to look for real without killing, he didn't shoot him in the head which would be a sure kill...
>>>If there's a sequel he should totally come back. Hell, he could die once or twice per movie for the whole franchise.<<<
Oh my god. They killed Joe......You Bastards!!
"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." John Wayne
After Joe gets shot, it shows a view from Victoria's scope, which is targeting Cooper. So, it wasn't Victoria.
To make a noble sacrifice...if he'd been killed by the assassin at the beginning, he would have just been an old guy who wasn't good at his job anymore. All quest films need a noble sacrifice.
shareI agree, she immediately shot him before anyone else could. She probably shot a clean through and through---he'll probably pop up in the sequel.
sharebecause when she was explaining to the younger lady why she shot the man she loved 3 times and later the man showed Bruce Willis the scars from her story.
I am fairly new to this, how did you highlight
because when she was explaining to the younger lady why she shot the man she loved 3 times and later the man showed Bruce Willis the scars from her story.
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<<-- Mess With The Best, Die Like The Rest -->>
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It was Victoria. And Joe is not dead.
Remember that Victoria is quite good at shooting men without killing them. She shot Joe so that no one else would shoot him with a lethal shot. And Joe has died many times before. Joe didn't come back before the end of the movie because he was in the hospital and/or custody.
The movie gave you all the clues and you just need to put them all together.
What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
remember Joe is terminally ill though, if anything it's a mercy killing rather than a slow suffering death...
it may have been Victoria who shot too, but still doens't mean he isn't dead...
> if anything it's a mercy killing rather than a slow suffering death...
If Joe wanted a quick, merciful death, he could have done it himself. He could have even let the CIA agent shoot him in his nursing home.
No. Joe fought for every day he had left coming to him.
> but still doens't mean he isn't dead...
True. But look at the rest of the movie up to that point. The good guys killed few, if any, of the enemy, despite the CIA using lethal force against them. The producers wanted to show the good guys in the best light possible. And shooting one of your own team members, even out of mercy, would not fit the mold.
What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
You all know that this is based on a comic book, right? Why don't ya'll pick that book up and see for yourself.
edited to include link:
Yes. Warren Ellis wrote it. He does great stories.
inveniam viam aut faciam
You know Joe, Marvin, and Victoria were created for the movie, right? Even the lead character's name was changed from Paul to Frank.
Did you forget about the boatloads of CIA people they killed (in self-defence) at Franks house and the airport?
When the door goes down blow the bulbs.
Victoria shot Ivan 3 times near the sternum, on the opposite side of the heart. Joe was shot once in the heart (you can see the bullet hole as Cooper turns him over). Victoria didn't take the risk of shooting near the heart with Ivan, she wouldn't have with a much more frail Joe. Also, when Victoria tells Joe to come out, she has him covered, Victoria is looking at Cooper through the sites. After Joe is shot, Victoria looks at him out of scope, then looks back into her scope, showing that she was angled on Cooper, not the front door of the house.
Listen to the shot from the gun that shot Joe. The initial sound has a low tone, Victoria's gun has a somewhat medium to high pitch tone because of the surpressor. You also hear a booming echo from the shooter's gun, but not Victoria's in the next scene where she is covering their escape.
Joe knew he had months to live, he stated he had stage 4 liver cancer and that he's 80 years old. I don't think Frank would've said "(it was) An Honor" in the scene before Joe was shot if he didn't know that Joe was going to die.
End point: Joe sacrificed himself in order to create a diversion and allow the others to escape. The gun that shot Joe and the gun that Victoria was using didn't sound alike nor was Victoria aiming at the front door, meaning that Joe was not shot by Victoria, but most likely by someone who was hired by either Dunning or Cynthia Wilkes.
Agree with amir9988.
Karl Urban =
......so who Killed Joe?
shareWell if it isn't Victoria, then it is really bad scriptwriting. To set up the idea that Victoria can shoot a man without killing him, and the idea that Joe is a man who has "died" many times, and then not make use of those ideas at a crucial point in the story, is totally stupid.
shareI could be wrong but I am pretty sure that it's Marvin who they specifically said has died many times...when they are stealing the boat
Joe does make sure that the girl is on their side before confirming that he wasn't really dead(in the ambulances) but I don't remember it being stated that he has died many times, though that may be the case
Please. The shot that killed Joe makes a very noticeable echo, while Victoria's gun has a silencer, which while not 100% silent, makes much less noise. I just played that scene to make sure.
Plus, Victoria was pointing at Cooper the whole time, and if she had shot Joe, then why didn't Sarah say something? and why keeping us in the dark?
Being able to shoot someone 3 times in the chest and not killing him doesn't mean anything - all of the RED's plus Cooper can do that.
You are seeing too much into it.
"That was a courtesy flush. I'm not actually done yet"
Silencers don't work like in bind movies. It still would have made enough noise in that area to make an echo
I think it was a sniper hired by Richard Dreyfuss' character.
Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger
I think it was Frank or Marvin, with Joe's consent. Joe coming out the door by itself would not be enough of a diversion for them to escape. But in the mass confusion after the shooting, they would be able to make a run for it.
It's a plot device and meant to be debatable, precisely as it is being discussed here. If this were not true then why have Cooper exclaim "Who fired that shot?" (or something similar!)
It's supposed to be a mystery and allow for Joe to re-appear (or not).
Surely with everyone stationary and quietly waiting, it should have been easy to determine the direction the shot came from. In fact, not knowing where the shot came from would've resulted in a more cautious approach (if any!) to the fallen man.
Joe and Frank were momentarily melancholy because there was a very real chance that upon emerging from the door, Joe could've been shot by any one of the many sharpshooters and gunmen who waited outside (either intentionally or inadvertently) instead of their covert diversionary ploy (which was unbeknownst to us) working.
"Around here, consultant ain't nothing but another word for unindicted co-conspirator"
I agree. One shot in the chest. He didn´t die. Remember when she said that he came out.
shareI feel that the storytellers had a brainfart to have messed up so badly regarding the Joe character's treatment. Happier I would have been if after the credits there were an epilogue revealing that Joe was recouperating at the oldies home and cared for by the same one he ogled in his first scene.
shareLet's keep it in another direction guys..
what would be the meaning of Joe still living? To die months later, because of the cancer? Yeah, makes sense. His cancer was incurable. He decided to die a rather noble death.
Joe died to save the team and the mentioned arguments for this theory are based on the facts you actually see and hear in the scene. Helen Mirren's character might be a professional sniper, but she isn't a magician, who can magically create a rather loud gunshot whilst she is scoping another target with a silenced rifle. Also she doesn't have the "super power" to kill a man without killing him... The whole point was to reveal her relationship with Ivan. Everyone of the high trained ex-agents could bust three shots in someone to make it look like he was dead. Also the character, who "died" many times was Marvin as I remember. Most likely this was a subtle way to say, that he (frequently?) faked his own death to get under the grid. After all he was paranoid and faking his own death to move into his hide-out would've been very fitting. Considering that he really is crazy (and his paranoia isn't THAT illusionary) he might have done it more than one or two times.
It was an unknown gunman of Dreyfuss' character, because he wanted Frank (like the other R.E.D.s) dead and therefore Joe playing the Frank was killed. Frank and Joe didn't say good-bye just because it COULD get hairy. It was a serious good-bye. After all maybe Victoria would've shot Joe later on, or fired at Cooper to create a diversion and save Joe's life and the team itself. Nevertheless she looks right at Cooper during the shot and her gun sounds totally different, so she didn't do it. Plain simple. Maybe Victoria causing a rain of bullets was even the back up plan, in case if they had to make a run for it. The plan nevertheless was intervened by some anonymous shooter. In my opinion it's okay to let the killer be unknown, because what would've been the sense if they'd have revealed his identity? So that Frank can kill him and take "THIS IS FOR JOE!"-revenge on a simple guy, who was following orders? Well, that wouldn't happen, because Frank already knew that Joe would most likely be killed and after all knew of his cancer.
Also the scene was needed to make Cooper more cautious. He thought he had it under control and that the plan of capturing them is the main target, but seeing Joe getting shot without direct orders made him be more suspicious.
I just had to say ... Awesome response!!
I was reading the other responses and wanted to shout at these people "OMG! DO YOU NOT PAY ATTENTION WHEN YOU WATCH A MOVIE!?!?"
MARVIN was the paranoid who had "died" many times, NOT Joe. Joe was dying so he made the noble sacrifice.
Victoria DID NOT shoot Joe. Very simply and most obviously, she was at the wrong angle to have hit Joe in the chest.
Joe was shot by one of Dunning's flunkies.
Those of you who obviously DON'T get it, do you NEED everything laid out for you? Do you NEED to see the eye look through the scope as the crosshairs line up on the target, the finger slide into the trigger guard, then gently squeeze the trigger and then follow the path of the bullet as it leaves the barrel and hits the target?