I haven't seen this movie yet but despite rating on IMDb! Worth watching?
shareYou can't go by the rating on IMDB for this movie. That rating reflects the anger of bigots who are against the casting of Emma Stone as a biracial woman who looks white and explains her mixed race heritage. Until this movie came out, I didn't even know that there were people who are against biracial people who look white, but there are. It's the thought police running rampant, saying an Asian woman should have been cast for Allison Ng, a character based on a real redhead Crowe met in Hawaii who was part Hawaiian but looked all white and would explain that she was part Hawaiian. It's a nice movie. It's not a great movie, or destined to be a classic, but it's a fun couple of hours. Definitely worth watching.
No worth it. I'm 62 minutes into it. It's awkward and weird... Not in a good way.
shareDitto. I watched it and generally enjoy most films I see, but this one... was... I guess "underwhelming"? Casting choices aside, there is a lot of respect for Hawaii and its culture in this film, but much of the dialogue comes off as "lines I really want to use in a movie" with very little base in reality.
The storyline itself is cute enough and, sure, it has moments and some good performances, but the overall film is just kind of blah. I dare say "instantly forgettable."
It's weird. I almost never say a movie is boring because most movies are NOT boring. But I truly found this boring.
I say it is worth watching. First, it's a Hollywood movie with big stars, so it has high production values and good cinematography. The women are all pretty. The plot is kind of goofy, but there is a thread to follow and it's not boring. Some of the scenes are great to watch as stand-alone set pieces, even if the movie all together doesn't congeal. I'm glad I watched it, even if some directorial or writing or editing choices make no sense.
And it's so much better than Elizabethtown...
I rented it from Redbox and while I found the overall script a bit weak and
Emma Stone miscast. Well Aloha isn't such a bad movie to see. Did give a "5"
rating and it could have been much better though certainly not as bad as
many posters on this board have claimed!
Lorenzo In Sunny Arizona!
Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!