Real Genius

This more or less gets **. Pleasant. But inconsequential. Filler. Crowe peaked with Almost Famous.

But basic parts of this seemed borrowed from real genius. The weapons in space, the covert aspect, the use of "Everybody Wants To Rule The World".

2 ways you can go on this job. My way or the highway. Now what's it gonna be Mr. Pink?


I would rather see Real Genius back in the theater.


What?? I can't believe it re-used that song. I saw something else recently that re-used it. Songs featured in movies, especially prominently, should not be used in other movies unless there is some kind of homage or parody. I would expect a music-oriented writer/director like Cameron Crowe to at least not do that. Initially I had some interest in this movie because it was set in Hawaii, since I'd been there, and I'm usually not one to be swayed by reviews, but after hearing lines and details like this I'm just not interested. I can see Hawaii on thousands of YouTube videos.


I concur, dis movie is Crowe sufferin from ED

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafckka


Lol, deniro hit the nail on the head there. The difference being that the space thing made sense in Real Genius. Totally out of left field here but a ripoff of RG with the song for sure.
