Funniest line

I didn't get too many laughs out of this, though it's billed as a comedy, but there some good, albeit awkward, chuckles here and there. The best, though, was when Brian and Woody end up on the porch looking at the atrocious light-up lawn ornaments:

Woody: "I f___ing love my lawn."
Brian: "I know you do."


I thought the best line, and funny too, was when the boy said to Cooper's character, "Who would break off a relationship with MY MOM?"

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.



That's unfortunate, since it's not very dramatic, either.


The silent conversation with the subtitles was hilarious.

Virgins. I love em. No diseases, no loose as a goose pussy, no skank. No nothin. Just pure pleasure!


I liked this. Fun narrative device.


Yes! Absolutely!!!!!! Also, when they "pinged" the "weapon".... Did you see and hear all the cool stuff??? I just loved it! and finally, for those who refuse to watch the credits, watching the destroyed useless piece of metal just floating around space!!!! Just killed me! I liked this movie VERY MUCH!!!!!
