Something is just odd with the basic setup
This is from Wikipedia:
Military contractor Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper) returns to Hawaii to organize a traditional blessing for a new pedestrian gate on behalf of billionaire Carson Welch (Bill Murray), who intends to develop nearby land into a space center.
I thought that Cameron Crowe needed a better set-up. I wasn't sure what was the point of the traditional blessing for a pedestrian gate, or why I should even care. I guess it was to get him to the island, but it felt half baked. Maybe Crowe should've added some more exposition explaining what was going on, because I began to get bored and think about how the guy who created Say Anything doesn't know how to execute his cryptic ideas anymore. Don't get me started with the scene with his ex-girlfriend's husband flying him to the island. I was like, what-t-t? Soon after Danny McBride (playing his usually jerk) pops up and they are talking about things that just aren't clear or engaging to me. Then you see his ex-girlfriend at some ceremony and we find out she can make her own hours and she's begging him to come for dinner--even though they have a 12 year old daughter Bradlee Cooper doesn't even know about, which makes little sense considering she "tried calling Bradley Cooper five times last year." This stinker is a freaking mess of a screenplay. It makes Elizabethtown look like Tootsie.