MovieChat Forums > Aloha (2015) Discussion > Seriously though, whitewashing aside. Is...

Seriously though, whitewashing aside. Is this movie worth watching?

I'm really torn between loving earlier Crowe movies and the low rating on IMDb. But then again Elizabethtown has a relatively low rating and I loved it so...should I just give it a go?

That's the thing about life...nobody gets out alive.


Yes you should .


Well, if you loved Elizabethtown then probably you would like this one too. I found both movies to be rubbish. Aloha is such a drivel, I stopped watching after half and hour and put a documentary about a woolly Mammoth on. Oh yes...


It's a nice movie. You can't go by the IMDB rating on this one. It doesn't reflect the actual movie. They're not rating the movie, they're rating the casting of a white woman to represent a biracial character who looks white. It's not a great classic, but it's a good way to spend a couple of hours.


No, it's appalling.


You'll love it. It shares a lot of similarity with Elizabethtown, crossed with The Descendants.

Best film of the year so far for me - I'm partial to feel good dramas.

Quit exhaling! You are contributing to global warming.


If you like romantic comedy you probably going to like it. It wasn't for me but the rating seems to low to me. It certainly has some interesting ideas. Initially I was totally "WTF is this?" because it kind of is weird. Some things rubbed me the wrong way. And the characters aren't exactly believable. It's very much fantasy and make believe I'd say, but a nice fantasy.


Aloha is basically the First Draft of a Movie. Actors all do a great job and the writing is ok, but certain elements of the plot and character development are missing or off. Crowe has complained the studio forced him to cut too much, but even allowing for that, the whole story has a rough draft feel. With months of script rewrites and honing you get the feeling there might be a good or even great movie in there, but as produced it is simply mediocre.


Thanks to everyone for your replies! I actually decided to give it another go and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I definitely didn't hate it, but you're right, there's an amateurish feel to it. It didn't have the charm of Elizabethtown, which is surprising because Crowe had plenty to work with in Stone and Cooper. I'm a bit disappointed at how much this movie fell short, but it's definitely not as bad as the rating predicts, whitewashing aside.

That's the thing about life...nobody gets out alive.


After 20 minutes I stopped watching it. You can see where it is going by Unfunny Stupid dialogues and jokes starting from the first minute.Don't be misguided by the star studded cast. Apparently Sony executives had seen it coming and expressed their disappointment via emails prior to the release of the movie . (See trivia section in IMDB)


Do yourself a favor, if you have not already given in to curiosity, skip this film. I really do like Cameron Crowe, at least most of the time. I don't know what combination of forces aligned to produce this gigantic mess of feces. Unless you want to inflict unnecessary pain on yourself, don't bother with this movie.


Read much, blowmonkey? Before you posted your drivel she had already made a follow-up post that she decided to watch it and enjoyed it. You don't have to like it, that is your right, but quit trying to brainwash others. It isn't a great movie but it is a nicely made movie with interesting stories and for most of us somewhat better than its IMDb rating would indicate.

It isn't a pile of feces, but your comments are!!

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Having an opinion isn't brainwashing. Just because you don't agree with me, doesn't mean I'm wrong.


I think all you haters are loopy - I loved the movie. I don't understand why you guys pick apart this movie, everything said against it had me wondering if we are talking about the same movie. Maybe I am just not that educated as a critic and for gods sake I don't want to be - it must be really sad to sit there and pick each movie to pieces instead of just enjoying it for what it is, just a movie.
