Al Pacino played a Cuban..
Nobody cared.. I heard people actually enjoyed the performance..
Jesus would support Universal Health Care
Nobody cared.. I heard people actually enjoyed the performance..
Jesus would support Universal Health Care
I think people only care when it's a white person who looks white. Pacino has dark hair, dark eyes, and a swarthy complexion, so it's okay for him to play another ethnicity. Kind of like Denzel playing white guys. Nobody cares about that either.
and Fisher Stevens had dark hair when he played that Indian character in both Short Circuit movies. Also him and Pacino over the top caricatures of those ethnicities. By today's standards it would be considered very insulting.
From what I heard about Aloha, Emma Stone just played a regular girl. Didn't fake an accent or anything. So what's the deal? People are just too sensitive these days.
Jesus would support Universal Health Care
Emma Stone's character is based on a real woman that Crowe met, a redhead who is part Hawaiian and looks white. Seems like some people do not like biracial people who look white. According to the bigots, you're not supposed to look white if you're of mixed blood. And here I thought nobody had a problem with mixed race people any more.
Seems like you don't particularly care for biracial people who look actually look biracial, Crowe doesn't either. No wonder you defend him.
Unlike you, I have nothing against biracial people. I don't care if they look non-white, and I don't care if they look white. Sounds like you want to keep the bloodlines pure.
Cuban is a nationality that can comprise of people who are mixed or are primarily of one ethnic group. For example, a lot of post-Castro Cubans who fled in the 60s70s were upper class Cubans primarily of Spanish descent, hence they look more European and not the "typical" look that most Americans ignorant of Cuba and its people expect to see.
shareThey're both Caucasian, this is a Caucasian playing a half Mongoloid person.
Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel
Nobody cared because he could easily pass for Cuban.
Al Pacino isn't "white" he's Italian. Technically caucasoid but then so are arabs and how many consider them white?
Coulda swore Italians were also called Wops and discriminated against by white people.