What does the real Allison Ng look like?
I haven't been able to find a picture of her. Anyone have one?
shareI haven't been able to find a picture of her. Anyone have one?
shareThere is no real Allison Ng. Nobody ever said there was. Cameron Crowe said that he based the character on a redheaded part Hawaiian woman that he met who looked white and would explain to people that she was part Hawaiian. But if you're really so interested in biracial people who are part Asian and don't look it, here's an article for you with pictures of part Asians. And some of them look very white. http://qz.com/455397/why-i-checked-mixed-race/
All of the people pictured in that article look part Asian to me. Even the whiter complected kid and woman.
"Where's your spark now?"
You don't think you're being influenced by the context? Knowing that they're part Asian, you're seeing Asian? The article is written by a person who's been mistaken for other races, including white. I think that says it all. When people are not aware they're looking at a part Asian person, they don't always know. Does Mark Paul Gosselaar look Asian to you? Because he's one fourth Indonesian, and I still don't see anything Asian about him.
Bourbonking's right, none of the examples from that blog show people who can pass for white AND I'd like to add that the person who wrote the article isn't even pictured which deflates the premise entirely.
A couple of them look white to me and they would probably look white to you if you didn't know they were part Asian. And even if the person who wrote the blog pictured themself, it wouldn't do any good because you would just say they don't look white. There are also celebrities who have been cited who are part Asian and look white, or are you going to say now that you always thought Mark Paul Gosselaar always looked Asian now that you know he's part Indonesian?
It doesn't matter what they look like to you. It's only your opinion and it doesn't lend any support to Cameron Crowe's lazy casting choices.
I don't know why you brought up Mark Paul Gosselaar since he isn't half Chinese like the character in Aloha is either.
You're making the mistake, of confusing your own subjective opinion with an objective observation.
Many of those people would by most people be considered white, if not met in a context where they are already expecting them to be something else.
Of the examples given I'd say at least a third of them could pass for "straight up" white people. Especially the blondish kid, doesn't look asian at all to me.
I think some people are seeing what they want to see. I don't have any stake in this because I tend to soil myself if I have to have PC discussions with perpetually offended people.
Of the examples given I'd say at least a third of them could pass for "straight up" white people. Especially the blondish kid, doesn't look asian at all to me.That's what I think.
I think some people are seeing what they want to see.
I don't have any stake in this because I tend to soil myself if I have to have PC discussions with perpetually offended people.It's true that the perpetually offended have no mind to work with but I think it's good to put information out there for the intelligent who have mastered critical thinking and tolerance for other people.
MPG's mother is of Indonesian decent. Indonesian and Dutch.
She said her Dad was half-Hawwian and half-chines and her mother was Swedish, so who know's what she'd look like.
Let me say of this whole affair, that remember Louis C.K. cast an African American comedian as his ex-wife because he said she was the best. Even though the the kids playing his kids are white. Does it really matter all that much?
I personally think that its not far of a stretch to think that Emma Stone charmed the sox off of Cameron Crowe and thats why she got the role. I mean really, She's just adorable. She's no Amy Adams, but...
Mark Paul Gosselaar never looked 100% white to me. I always assumed it was something Hispanic or Native American.
I can always see when someone is not 100% white. It becomes harder to see when it's 1/8 or 1/16 of something, though, but even then it depends on the gene expression. You can be 1/8 non-white and look non-white, but it just becomes less likely.
Maybe it's easier for me to see because I come from Denmark and I've been all over Europe, and I know what Europeans/white people are suppose to look like.
In the United States you have a lot of people who are considered white, but that really look mixed, and it shows.
A couple of them look white to me and they would probably look white to you if you didn't know they were part Asian. And even if the person who wrote the blog pictured themself, it wouldn't do any good because you would just say they don't look white. There are also celebrities who have been cited who are part Asian and look white, or are you going to say now that you always thought Mark Paul Gosselaar always looked Asian now that you know he's part Indonesian?
I suppose Mark Paul Gosselaar, whose mother is part Indonesian, is distant Asian ancestry? There are biracial people who look white, and it's time to stop hating on them. Whatever happened to tolerance of all people no matter what the color of their skin? Does that tolerance stop at the color white?
@Zanza8 It's not about being influenced,apart from the kid at the second row at the right end,all of them kind of look mixed at least,if not Asian.But still they kind of look Asian to me,eyes and complexion wise,also the hair lol.Only that kid has got super white complexion,as like emma stone,but rest of them look asian don't you think? Also,if the majority actually look like these,then I wonder why the director/production team could not find anyone more prominent based on the race,because maybe that would also make the concept of the film more obvious and noticeable.
shareOnly one of those people looks white to me. The rest look mixed or non-white.
Thanks for the info on the "real" allison.
I think like the other poster you're being somewhat influenced by the context. If you didn't know those people were part Asian, you'd probably see more than one of them as white.
not sure why i'm even humoring you at this point but almost all those examples are of distant Asian ancestry. that's why asia Carrera sticks out like a sore thumb. I would imagine Allison Ng resembling her or possibly olivia munn.
shareI suppose Mark Paul Gosselaar, whose mother is part Indonesian, is distant Asian ancestry? There are biracial people who look white, and it's time to stop hating on them. Whatever happened to tolerance of all people no matter what the color of their skin? Does that tolerance stop at the color white?
Wow Zanza, you're doing a great job of twisting people's words all over the place on this board.
shareDon't like what I have to say? Don't read it. Or refute it with facts. This is not a safe space for social justice snowflakes. This is an open message forum and if you don't like your opinion challenged, you shouldn't be here. And if you can't defend your opinion and have to use ad hominen attacks, your opinion isn't valid.
Nobody has to refute your OPINION with facts, since it is after all your OPINION only.
You are clearly under the impression, that your own OPINION, should be considered fact by others, while other people's opinions, should not even be considered as valid.
In general, you are clearly confused about what it means to debate something.
If you didn't know those people were part Asian, you'd probably see more than one of them as white.
You just keep telling yourself that. While you're at it, keep avoiding the subject of Mark Paul Gosselaar, who looks totally white and is a quarter Indonesian. If you didn't know those people were part Asian, you'd probably see more than one of them as white.Or... Not.
So in essence you can't describe what Allison Ng looks like but you're convinced that Paul Gosselaar looks totally white. Wow so much for your affinity for Eurasian people. I wonder if Paul shares your angst about not being seen as 100% white?
shareThere is no real Allison Ng. What in the world is the matter with you? Allison Ng is a fictional person based on a real woman that Cameron Crowe met in Hawaii. And Mark Paul Gosselaar does look like a white person. That's why he's listed in articles about celebrities who look white but are part Asian. But a bigot like you doesn't care about that. You're just against biracial people who look white and nothing will ever change your mind to be tolerant and inclusive such people. Now have the last word with my blessing and permission.
You are presenting two statements as if they are contradictory, while they in fact not. You have made up your mind, and will just contradict anyone saying anything different, even if it required you to not make sense.
sharethink this whole thread is a bit ignorant.Who the f cares what Allison Ng looks like.She could be adopted from Liberia or Siberia and it would not change a single thing.Everybody who thinks otherwise is a fool ;)
Seems like there are alot of racist Asians here demanding to see a Asian portray a part-Asian.I wouldn't worry about them though,they're racist.Which equals stupid.If they have a hard time finding millions of Asians that look "white" it is because they're so racist they only hang around in their own circle of same race people.If they would mingle with other races they would see the world isn't black&white(or white&asian).
Btw dear racist Asians.Asia is alot bigger then China,Vietnam and Japan you know.Alot bigger.Alot alot bigger.Not everyone has the same eyeshape and not everyone has a yellow complexion.Not everyone has black hair with bangs.Next you guys will say is that all Asians look the same.
This discussion is like going 50 years backwards in time.
Thanks for the information, Hasjtracker. I did not know this about Indonesians and thought Mark Paul Gosselaar was a good example. In my defense I did find him in an article about mixed race celebrities who look white so I'm not the only one to make that mistake. I'm just so tired of the racism. There are mixed race people who look white and seeing that hate that the Allison Ng character is generating, I really feel for someone who looks white and comes from a mixed race background. The racists must give them hell in the real world. And here I thought we were past the attitude of keeping the bloodlines pure.
Yeah i agree completely.I am going to delete (part of) my comment to you even.No need to argue semantics with racists.It will be our little secret :p
In fact i am going to post a picture of a nice blue eyed girl with blond hair.She is from Indonesian descent so very much Asian ;-)
I love how your trying to push your agenda, and if people disagree with you it's because they are ignorant or biased or both.
Because it has nothing to do with what they are actually seeing or thinking? You need differentiate between what you think and see and what other people think and see because the two are not one and the same. Your world view is very egocentric.
Most of the people in that article look mostly Asian. The boy in the second row is the whitest looking, and you might think of him as White if you glanced at him in a random place surrounded by White friends. Same for the middle-aged woman in the third row. But once someone mentions that they are part Asian, you'd say, "oh yeah, I see some Asian, maybe 1/4 or at least 1/8). It doesn't work the same way with Emma Stone.
Mark Paul Gosselaar looks even Whiter than the boy in the second row. If you search for a picture of his mother, she looks about 1/4 Asian, possibly 1/2 Asian but the White genes dominated. In places like Indonesia and Hawaii, people often lose track of exactly what percent White/Local they are. My guess is MPG's mother is 1/4, which makes him 1/8 Asian. Even if he were 1/4 Asian, the bleached hair as Zach made him look very White. Nowadays, with dark hair, he does look about 1/8 Asian, 1/4 at most.
Emma Stone does not look close to 1/4 or even 1/8 Asian, even if she dyed her hair.
NONE of them look white at all...They're all PoC...they'd be called racial slurs by whites, they wouldn't claim, white, or mark white on an application lmao....People think Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Tilly are white ???? How when they don't look white at all?? Then, they LITERALLY used a literally who isn't biracial to play some who'd most likely (95%) would lol Asian and would have Asian features, because genetics. Like biracial PoC people. White passing people look white because of they're features and because the PoC parent is lighter...Meghan and Harry, Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings
shareYou want half-Asian people? Here's the band Van Halen from the 1980s, and two of these guys are half-Asian, with an Indonesian mother. Can you guess which???